Archived Weather Display Problems Read-only archive of WD problems Weather Display Feature Suggestions Suggestions for enhancements/additions to Weather Display. Archived Weather Display Usage Questions An archive of questions about how Weather Display can/should be used. Archived/Obsolete FAQs These are FAQs which are no longer thought to be relevant because the software has been significantly modified or no longer exists. They are being retained here for now just in case anyone is using older software. They are unlikely to be of use to new users of the software. Weather Display Live Discussion/Questions As Adobe Flash, and therefore Weather Display Live, are now obsolete this board has now been set to read-only. It will be left in place for a short while in case people wish to reference information in it. It will be completely removed later in 2021. If you wanted to use Weather Display Live the closest equivalent is currently FreshWDL which has its own discussion board. Weather Display Problems This board is to be used to report problems you’re having with Weather Display. You should initially post a question in the ‘Usage Questions’ board to confirm that you’re using the feature correctly. If you are then please report it here. A problem may be a bug that Brian needs to fix or possibly a misunderstanding of how the feature is supposed to work, i.e. not a bug that needs to be fixed. Tinplate Software Discussion and assistance with Tinplate’s software…currently VirtualVP and VPLive