Access violation.

Hi all
had to restart my windows 10 weather PC as it hadnt been restarted for ages now, WD started and got the following message (See screenshot).
I did a search in the forum but nothing much turned up only for Linux.

Any ideas/


Did you use Advanced Search? Got 4 pages of hits under Access Violation. . .

Anyhoo, it appears that a corrupt webcam image may be to to blame. See

Ok started pc, WD is running? but not showing on the desktop. More hunting down needed.
Thanks for the webcam tip BOS.


Ok all backup now. Had to delete a few more files to get it running.
Now just got to get WXsim to run again correctly. ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHH ](*,)

Whilst i see you’ve fixed it now, it’s normally a corrupt file, more often than not an image, and probably 75% of the time a webcam image.

Corrput files are easy to find, just arrange by size and set the folder icons to thumbnails, any image file that looks odd (blank or part missing) and is a very low size, normally 0b, that/those will be the culprit(s).

Another way is to order them by updated and quickly go through the 1st 20 or 30 files depending on how many you have WD create.

Glad you’ve got it sorted.