Big problem - no temp

As a very old guy, I’m no longer up to handling big problems and I seem to have one now. I pray that somebody can help me!

WD was working fine until about 10:23 this morning (Cyprus time, GMT +3). Since then, WD has displayed a number of anomalies:
– temperature indication stuck at 35.2° C although the real temperature went up to close to 39°
– false temperature indication disappeared from the usual WD screen after about 30 seconds, leaving a blank
– the solar display bars at the top right remain blank
– the Data Received and Data Quality boxes remain red

To the best of my knowledge I have no idea what has happened or how to sort it out.

Background WD 10.375143
hardware: Davis, about one year old, pretty standard with forced air blower for temperature measurement
software: Windows 10, recently updated

This set up has been working now for over one year without problems. I do not anticipate that the problem was due to a power drop as it has been sunny all day.

I shall be eternally grateful to anybody who can provide me with the miracle answer – thank you in advance!

I know this is going to be the normal one, but have you restarted weather display and the PC/mac?


Yes, thanks! In fact, several times! :slight_smile:

Even though it was painful, I even went out to where the Davis equipment is and managed to cut back some vegetation which was threatening a potential problem. No joy!

Have you tried a reinstall of WD 10.375143. Did it work OK after windows update? Then check the comports for the right port number. Is the transmitter working you can check the led for output, check manual for the dip switch setting. Any lighting in the area? Check cable from computer from console mite be loose.

Since you are showing red lights in WD, make sure your proper weather station is selected in the control panel and make sure you have the correct com port selected.

Hi, all! I’m getting more and more frustrated with this problem but what I have determined is that it does not concern WD. After my last post, I checked the Davis display and found that it was showing correctly. As far as I could determine, the computer was working fine. The problem therefore lies somewhere between the two. I re-checked all the connections and found no anomaly. This led me to believe that the fault lies either in the Davis interface or in the COM1 port in the computer.

I will now proceed to try and narrow it down, starting with the COM1 port but I admit that I am feeling a little pessimistic, especially if I have to examine the Davis interface, which is a pig to deal with.

My apologies for introducing a subject into the wrong forum category.

It sounds like your computer has lost connection to the Davis console. The first thing I would check is the datalogger. On numerous occasions I have had the datalogger come loose at the back of the Davis console after moving things around on my desk. Remove power from the console, remove the batteries, then re-seat the datalogger and then put the batteries back in and power up the console.

If that doesn’t work then I would be checking your comm port. Make sure windows device manager is still showing all your comm ports. Then make sure WD has the correct comm port selected.

If you have the Davis WeatherLink software installed then shutdown WD and see if WeatherLink can communicate with the Davis console.

Should none of these fix the issue then let us know…

Thank you for your help. I’ve been delving deeper and, sure enough, I found the COM1 connection was apparently faulty. I went into the control panel, station type and settings and everything seemed to be okay. Empirically, I swapped the input to COM2 but lost a few minutes battling with the BAUD rate, which seemed to insist on 14,400 despite several attempts to get it up to 19,200. Have run it now for over two hours with the happy result of ALL SYSTEMS GO! I tried reverting to COM1 but it failed again so I re-reverted back to COM2.

I have no idea why a serial port should fail like that, out of the blue, with no apparent cause.

I think that, with my sincere thanks to all the contributors, we can now close this topic, n’est-ce pas!

I actually get this quite a bit. Suddenly WD (using WDLive) will just show a flat line. Sometimes the high/lows are ridiculuous.

What I usually do is possibly take out the USB dongle and put it back in.

Check Weatherlink to see if it sees a COM link.

And cause the datalogger to redownload for WD by modifying the “download” date in wdisplay.ini (I usually start with the one in “databackup”). Hmm. have forgotten that I am also periodically downloading that – due to a problem I was having with my computer rebooting – which seems to be solved.