No data in Reports since 29th Dec 2021?

My Reports are not showing any data since Dec 29th: ****/pwsWD/index.php?frame=Reports_at_WU

I have seen another thread mentioning a possible y2k22 bug? But my issue seems to have stared on the 30th Dec.

Any idea what may have happened?

WUnderground data seems ok:

I got all data for 2021 but nothing since, hence the thread you mention.

In fact, I can still run WXDailyHistory.php?ID=IE*******98&graphspan=year&year=2021&format=1 successfully, but year=2022 doesn’t work.

P.S. Y2K22 bug affected Microsoft Exchange :wink:

LATER EDIT: All OK now :slight_smile:

Confirmed, the data is not retrieved anymore since some days last week in December 2021.
Some sites seem to work OK, some (most) sites fail.

Really no idea what is happening, it is certainly not a WU problem.


Here everything is back to normal in the WU-overview, yesterday’s problem with empty fields has solved itself.

In the graphs, however, I still miss the month and year overviews in the PWS-Dashboard from 1 January, these are empty.

gr. Arie

Still not working for me
Did you run a script or anything to get it to start working again?

What makes up the section you have put **** for?
Login API key? Station ID?
So I can try myself the same.

Further to this my API for WU looks to have expired, but that was on the 15th Dec
Could it be related?
Do I need to generate a new key?
Or is that not the issue and leave it as it is?

Station ID. . . don’t really know why I blocked it out :?

WXDailyHistory.php works for 2022 as well, now. But I should make it clear that I noticed the year-end problem with the graphs data in my very old version of the dashboard, my reports stopped working in November. See External scripts which use WeatherUnderground .CSV data - #90 by bitsostring - PWS Dashboard 2012 - Weather-Watch Forum

And I think you can ignore the key expiry. Mine expired in August 2019. . . :slight_smile:

Either I am trying to do it wrong or it’s making no difference to my site unfortunately.

So still the same issue for me, no Reports appearing in Reports as described in original post.

It just produces a text file in the browser, so one can tell if the data is available or not. Attached is one I made earlier :slight_smile:

I repeat that I do not know how to get the reports download working again, but the graphs use the same script so if the graphs are working I just copy the graph file IEDINBUR98Y.txt from pws/chartswudata over to wureports/wuData and rename it IEDINBUR98-year-2022.txt. Note that my old dashboard year graphs run 1/1-31/12, not “last 360 days”.

LATER EDIT: I just checked and the report script is still not working, but the graphs are working fine :?

I really do not understand why some installations are different from others.
Especially the stalled files in pwsWD/wudata/ and pwsWD/chartswudata/ should not be there

==> Solution ?

You can first test yourself: all 20202 files need to be removed

remove or rename . . .Y.txt . . .YM.txt . . .Y.txtold . . .YM.txt.old
Also if applicable, rename strange old files by adding __ in front of the name

remove 2022/ folder and the metric-2022.arr need to be removed
If applicable, you can remove all files with names of other WU-stations such as ILEUV11. They are a leftover of an invalid install file.

You should then use the pwsWD/PWS_module_test.php script and press bottom button “Load files”
There will be error messages, but only the first time you press the button.

To check what is happening if this fails also
=> I need FTP access ==> sent me a mail with a ftp userid and password (could be a temporary one)
I will rename the “invalid” files and do some more testing.
This could temporarily mess up the graphs when i am testing.

I am off the grid from Januari,5 till Januari 16.
So either today/tomorrow or in two weeks.


I had the same problem on January 1st, but now everything works ok.
In the error_log file I find this message from January 1st.

PHP Warning: Undefined array key "observations" in /home/alfmaotp/public_html/pwsWD/WXDailyHistory.php on line 530

Do not know if this is related to the problem


We only use high/low data until yesterday.
But often the first of the year data is not usable.
So for a new year all data should be correct on the Jan, 3.
A lot ??% of stations and the demo sites work OK.
It is a PIA to find the cause of the non-functioning sites without access to delete/rename files.


Just tried all the instructions and no different.

I notice that 2022 directory is NOT regenerated in wudata after removal?

Also even if it did work, I am still missing 30th and 31st Dec from the Reports too.

I shall email you an ftp login

I did what you said, now it works again, I now see the month and year chart again.
Probably these files have been corrupted before, but why??

Thanks anyway!


That is why I need a site with problems first to find and rename the incorrect files.

So if after Jan 3, 2023 you still have problems, do not do anything but mail me the FTP userID/password.


Just emailed you login details Wim


All should be well now

Removed any 2022 .txt .arr file I could find
And the 2021.txt files.


Thank you!

You’re the best!

Working perfectly now!


I followed the above instructions but still had no data in WU reports for 2022.

But when I also renamed

this file was also restored and it all works now :smiley:

Thank you very much