- Install the latest version of Raspbian. Use the Raspberry Pi Imager to load the relevant image onto your SD card. Depending on how you want to use the PI and consoleWD you can use any of the provided images, but selecting one the Desktop versions is probably going to make your life a little easier unless you’re a Linux command line guru.
- Configure the Pi - Get it onto your network (wired or WiFi), allow it to complete all updates and reboot. If you want to access the Pi across the network assign a static IP address to it (either through your router or by setting the values on the Pi itself).
- Download consoleWD => “Weather Display for Linux console 64 bit Raspberry pi3 Version…” from Weather Display - Downloads. If you’ve downloaded the Desktop version of Raspbian then you can do this from the browser and the file will be downloaded into /home/pi/Downloads. These instructions assume that’s where the file is located.
- Open a terminal window (Command prompt icon on the top menu bar).
- Make sure you’re in the pi home directory - cd /home/pi
- Unzip consolewd - tar -zxvf Downloads/consolewd64.tar.gz
- Confirm that you now have a directory /home/pi/consolewdfiles that contains the software - ls -la /home/pi/consolewdfiles
- Change to the consolewdfiles directory - cd consolewdfiles
- Edit config.txt to configure consoleWD to talk to your logger (or device) - nano config.txt (or use your favourite Linux editor)
- Change into the Deploy directory - cd Deploy. Note in older releases of consolewd this directory was called ‘deploy’ rather than ‘Deploy’.
- Copy the files from the Deploy directory into /usr/lib/ - sudo cp * /usr/lib
- Copy the files from the Deploy directory into /usr/local/lib/ - sudo cp * /usr/local/lib
- Change back to the consolewdfiles directory - cd … or to be 100% you are in the correct directory - cd /home/pi/consolewdfiles
- Start consolewd - ./consolewd
- You should see something like this…
If use this program, then please consider sending a PayPal donation to [email protected] (Brian Hamilton)
to help with costs, and support, thanks!
Connecting TCP/IP 22222
Connecting TCP/IP 22222
Requesting LOOP data from IP
Requesting LOOP data from IP
Requesting LOOP data from IP
raw vp baro 1024.2
raw vp temp 11.8
Vpsolar = 32767
Davis Data OK
Current data 16:58:42: Temperature= 11.8 Windspeed =0.0 Gustspeed =0.0 Direction =265 Humidity=97 Barometer=1024.2 Daily Rain=0.0 Rain Rate 0.0mm/minRequesting LOOP data from IP
raw vp baro 1024.2
raw vp temp 11.8
Vpsolar = 32767
Davis Data OK
Current data 16:58:42: Temperature= 11.8 Windspeed =0.0 Gustspeed =0.0 Direction =265 Humidity=97 Barometer=1024.2 Daily Rain=0.0 Rain Rate 0.0mm/minRequesting LOOP data from IP
That’s from Wim testing with a WiFiLogger, which appears as a Davis-IP logger (station type=32) on port 22222 of the logger IP address ( Wim has also tested it with a Meteobridge and says…
it probably also works with any of the other weatherstations as listed in the first TWO lines of config.txt. So we can simply use all defaults and it works 'out of the box'.Before starting consolewd you have to find what station/logger should be used for “the Meteo-Pi for the logger with the Davis Vantage Pro2.”
That is really the only problem/task you should have. Once WD knows what logger your Meteo-Pi emulates all should work.I think “Meteo-PI” emulates a serial connection, read this topic Meteo-Pi - connecting device for Raspberry Pi and Davis® consoles
There is in this post also a screenshot to “remove” the serial console and make the serial0 active
So you have to set in config.txtWeather station type=31 // that is Davis VP=31 Davis com method=1 // 1 for serial
There is one other “tricky” setting at line 29, which you maybe have to set to 1
Davis com method=2 // 1 for regular 2 for special davis serial read
Thanks to Wim for providing the info for this FAQ. I just tweaked it a little.