Hello I am new here and would first like to say thank you for all that have come before me as I have been reading and reading and reading some more. I have learned a good bit but now that I am ready to install WD I am having an issue and Google tells me that the file won’t unzip as it is not a tar.gz.
What I am trying to do is install this file “Weather Display for Linux console 64 bit Raspberry pi3/4 Version on 10 June 2020” on my Raspberry Pi 4B using Terminal with the process steps as I have found at this location on the forum…
The Weather-Display file comes from this page…
When I type into Terminal the unzip command tar -zxvf Downloads/consolewd64.tar.gz I get this error…
gzip: stdin: not in gzip format
tar: Child returned status 1
tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
A quick Google search says the file the error indicates that the file is not in gZipped format. Is that possible? Am I doing something wrong?