Irox and consolewd

So I have a Irox and want to use a Pi 3
Got a fresh buster runing headless.
Looked at this:

Can I connect my Pi to the usb interface on my Irox? Would that work ?

Well, I am stuck at here.

I guess weather station type= 59
Okej ?
Then what ?

How do I tell the consolewd to talk to my Irox via usb ? Do I do that in the config.txt ?
Is this doomed from the start ?

I just tested it here and its working, consolewd and my Irox station, raspberry pi 3
but I first got it working on linux
so I wonder if that setup the usb in the right mode on the station
(as I am sure it was not working, pipe error, before)

Dear Brian Plenty thx for the Replay.
Can I ask you to share your config.txt for your setup to kick me in the correct direction.
There is a lot of things in that config.txt. Can I remove things that I do not need?

main thing is to have the station type set to 59
if you have access to a linux pc then try the consolewd version for linux and set the config.txt to station type 59
and then see if it gets data
then if it does then see if then works on raspberry pi version

that is what made it work for me (was a surprise but something on linux must have set the usb into the correct mode/permissions on the actual device)