All fixed here now. Worked with Brian to iron out my problems. With no responses to this thread I assume everybody is back up and running ok.
All fixed here now. Worked with Brian to iron out my problems. With no responses to this thread I assume everybody is back up and running ok.
kb8doa – could u explain more of what your talking about – i got the original sky/air weatherflow – on of the first no beta people to receive it — have 2 of them — plus the 2nd generation tempest ---- been having trouble with my ski/air and tempest
I also have the original air/sky.
Tempest stopped reporting again.
Both of my locations are currently not reporting.
I will try to sort through what was just posted, maybe - just maybe - they fixed it…
UPDATE: I have upgraded my cronweatherflow.exe to v 9.0 and am now awaiting to see if the rain/storms tomorrow will report the rain… Fingers crossed - again
You may want to mention that you are now running Cronweatherflow v9.0
Here are my results:
With the settings suggested by @dcrooks
And running cronweatherflow.exe version 9.0:
@dcrooks - Dan, have you unchecked Use direct from hub?
I see that on this recent picture you have it unchecked, but previous had it checked?
Yes. I don’t think all bugs have been worked out of cronweatherflow but it’s very close…have you noticed anything with your setups? An example, this morning I found that cronweatherflow had stopped working. WD was fine but just showing flatlines for all data. I’ve also noticed that sometimes cronweatherflow will not shutdown when WD exits. Are you seeing anything unusual in either of your setups?
I have unchecked the “use direct from hub” option.
Updates are very sluggish, especially with Wind Speed/Direction.
I also had both locations option to “use cloud daily rain total”
I am awaiting rain to see if this combination might work.
However, without the responsiveness on Wind - this would be terrible…
Should we be using cronweatherflow.exe v9.0
or is there a newer one?
Also, do I need to be updating the main program?
I never worked with a software product that does not increment build numbers
when new builds are posted to the public.
Also, there really is no way to be aware of the cronweatherflow.exe releases…
I am currently running cronweatherflow 9.0 and the latest full exe WD.
I make changes to my setup every day (it sounds like you’re doing the same). Sometimes they work and sometimes not…here are my latest changes:
In WD station setup I hit the “Get Names” button and allowed it to enter my sensor number in the Temp/Hum line. This change reflects in cronweatherflow showing devices as “Allocated”. I use the “Direct from Hub” option.
Initial results appear promising and I’m going to give it another 24 hours and see how it goes…
I am running the latest versions of Weather display and Chron and today it didn’t report the rain from my tempest yet again. UGH.
(b149) of WD working great here.
I am not sure if you ever mentioned it, but which type of Weatherflow do you have:
Tempest OR Air/Sky ?
My Tempest location
seems to be resolved/fixed
but my Air/Sky location
still does NOT register rain
on Weather Display - despite registering rain on…
I have the Tempest. I am seeing some rain data in Cron bit it is incorrect. I’m seeing the same incorrect number on the Weatherflow dashboard. Today it says there was .0772 inches of rain. We actually had .24 inches. When I look at my tempest dashboard and weather underground, they both say .24 inches. For the life of me, I can figure out why the number in weatherflow dashboard is incorrect.
I am confused by what you’re referring to as “Weatherflow dashboard” and “Tempest dashboard”. Can you post links to each so I can understand where you see your data, both right and wrong values?
Your station should report it’s data to WD will then query for the data. However, as I have pointed out before, can, if your settings allow, use what they call Nearcast where they massage your data. If you have that enabled that would explain what you’re seeing…
What is your station ID# for Tempest?
I fixed it. I turned off nearcast off and now accurate data is coming through.
Today I am noticing that Weather Display is not tracking (for my Tempest loaction):
Winds Speed
Wind Direction
Once I restarted Weather Display, it started reporting these items along with today’s accumulated rainfall.
Does ANYONE have Weather Display working with the Air/Sky sensor combo,
that is registering/recording Rainfall?
Does your SK device show allocated in cronweatherflow?