Those look good.
I’ll also add the facts php.
Those look good.
I’ll also add the facts php.
I like the smaller menu… :D. I also combined the two pages.
I had a request for the Astronomy and Star Chart combined, so attached is the page. You will need to change a few things though.
<td width="50%" align="center"><h3>Current Sun Position</h3></td>
<td width="50%" align="center"><h3>Current Sun / Moon Position</h3></td>
<td width="50%" align="center"><img src="sunposition.php" alt="Current Sun Position" width="400" height="250" /></td>
<td width="50%" align="center"><img src="moonposition.php" alt="Current Moon Position" width="400" height="250" /></td>
Replace with this:
<td width="50%" align="center"><img src="moondetail1.gif" alt="moondetail1"/></td>
<td width="50%" align="center"><img src="moondetail2.gif" alt="moondetail2" /></td>
My page validates, but I haven’t tried the changes, so we will see if it works out.
astronomy.php.txt (34.9 KB)
Thanks for this fine script, just got it working at
Fiddling with visible satellites.
It just keeps getting better
The hard part is knowing when to stop.
Maybe a short Solar Observing part too. Just current Sunspots. That’s it.
There’s a googlemap api available somewhere.
Mine validates (after some minor cleanup) - . Got it yesterday, but looks like I might be one behind.
Thanks for your efforts, Lee!
Lee, have a look at the bottom of my Space WX page for some Google Widgets that I found for tracking the ISS etc.
Thanks. Yeh I found those too, but didn’t like the white space.
What I’ll probably do is post a link to N2YO. That site gens lookangles for viewing. Plus, I’ll add some good freeware progs that gen accurate looks using updated TLEs from my buds at Cheyenne Mtn.
Sounds good!!!
Good looking page, Martin.
I have lookangles working, plus visual. I’ll add some more sat ids and release tomorrow.
When I click on a direction, I get multiple maps opening for each direction pressed…
I just checked using ie8; aok.
I’ve noticed most people using this script are using the narrow version of the templates and it looks fine. I run the wide version of the templates, and the script doesn’t look right. I loaded it lastnight, and tried to adjust the width of everything, But it still didn’t look right. Has anyone using the wide version of the templates successfully loaded this script cause I’d really like to use it. Thanks.
Hi Mark,
I have it working here as part of the astronomy.php that drobbins had set up - thank you Dave. And thank you MadALwx for putting it all together.
Try removing this, just before
<style type="text/css">
#page {width: 820px }
Lee, I’ve been running a sunspot page for some time
would be great if you could add as my scripting skills are pretty bad, it uses the latest to get the sunspot totals, last 30 days. yesterdays sunspot total is also on the dashboard below sun icon.
Love the new satellite tracking been using some google gadgets and linking to up till now, your script is excellent.
You’re welcome to have a go with mine (attached).
I’ve altered the layout a wee bit, narrowed the map and buttons table and centred them, centred the “UP” button and increased the font size of the title.
Being in the UK, I’ve used the alternative sky view chart so you’ll need to add yours back in there again.
wxstar.php.txt (10.2 KB)