Star Chart and SpaceWx

Thanks Martin, It worked good.

Next update available.
Includes TNET Facts script which is seperate from wx facts.
Includes ESV Tracking.

I added some key notes to help from my USAF Space Surveillance and Space Object Identification days.

see first post for dnld.

I tried to make a separate field to enter special launches like upcoming Shuttle. Until I figure it out, just go in the script and enter the NORAD ID when it’s launched.

Looks good.

I like your Sunspot pg. Any script for it to read the txt file?

Maybe add that plus jpgraph of spots too.

Lee, I use two scripts one to provide yesterdays number and another for last 30 days.
perhaps you could combine the 2, took me ages to get them to work, borrowed some lines, was going to add the yearly totals to but that some how slipped off the to do list.

The output needs some work

sunspots.txt (3.42 KB)

sunspots30.txt (3.68 KB)

Thanks Phil.
I’ll take a gander and see if we can get something next wk.


Just put up v3. Looks really good.

Thanks very much for your efforts.

Love version 3, Lee. Thanks!!!

You are welcome. It’s fun.

I love version 3 also, Thanks!!! I just added two “sun” widgets to the bottom and changed all hyperlinks to “new targets”.

You just gave me an idea.
What does everyone think about seperating the Space Track to a sep pg?

Yes please.

Also could all of the changes ( city, name of city, etc ) be placed some where in the top of the script for us non programers.

Also I seem to be getting an error “loc=Unspecified” in heavens above site?

Thanks for the great script

Hey Mark.
Could you elaborate on the city listing?

I just checked and get the same error. Hmmm.

I’m able to access Heavens-above from my end.
At first I thought it was cookies, but I cleared everything and still able to access sats through my pg.
The loc=Unspecified is ok in the query string.

Did you change something?

Not entirely sure how my ‘thank you’ comment gave you that idea - :? - but I like it the way it is.


Hi tiggr,
I checked out your pg and see you have a Space Track menu item. That gave me an idea to separate the satellites from star charts.

I think I like a single page too. I know it’s long but easier to navigate. Just my $0.02. :smiley: :smiley:

Hi Lee,

Actually was only trying out those gadgets. Simply forgot to take that page down in favor of your script. :roll:

I’ve put the tracking on a separate page here I already had some google gadgets for tracking on different pages, this script is better. Thanks again lee

Hey Mark. Could you elaborate on the city listing?
Where does the script get this info.
