Star Chart and SpaceWx

So, my son is becoming more interested w/ Astronomy and figured I’d have a go at it.

Using WUs Star Chart, I added php settings to draw the map to current time.
You set the other default settings like FOV, viewing dir. City is taken from Settings.php.

Also includes map to track some brightest satellites and includes Astronomy facts.

5 Oct 10
Added current Sunspot image for those interested in solar obs.
Added Sun/Moon data as this is very important for sky viewing; limits having to goto another pg for info.
Added Stellar Neighbor clickable map
Added sites for meteor showers and Tonight’s important list

3 Nov 10
Added a Sunspot graph using jpgraph. Use this ver only if you have jpgraph installed. (Thanks Newquay Wx)
Added EU 7timer color/symbol key. (Thanks Budgie)

13 Jan 11
Fixed some code
Added my SpaceWx pg (23.1 KB) (123 KB)

O wow. Nicely done.


Could this page use the lon and lat from the common.php


Yes it can.

I’m going to try the form.buttons today.

I added the lat/long from Setting.php and added Clear Sky. I also found free printable monthly sky charts.
I’ll post the update after doing the buttons.

Looks very nice

i have it on my site now, Looking forward to the buttons working, I wouldn’t know where to start. Keep up thew good work

Great idea, another winner :smiley:

Thanks all.

I got it!

I have a pull-down to change views. Just have to message to buttons.

I’ve got it running on my page too!! Can’t wait for the buttons.

Alrighty. It’s ready. Dnld in 1st post.
Some tweaks still needed. I couldn’t figure out how to make the star chart default view. Maybe someone can chime in.

At 1st, I was considering incorporating it into Saratoga, but it’s going to grow I’m sure.

Next release will have a map of ISS ground trace. Maybe some of the larger US birds too like DMSP and other low-Earth orbit sats viewable with naked eye.

Please, ideas.

Just posted the zip w/ images to 1st post.

Not to be picky but would it make more sense to have the East and West buttons reversed?

One issue here. When the page first loads I do not have a chart. But when I press any button then a chart loads.

Like on a star chart vice road map?

Yipper. Known issue.

"Some tweaks still needed. I couldn’t figure out how to make the star chart default view. Maybe someone can chime in.

Also, I found some validation errors-xhtml. I corrected the img tag errors. Next release.
But the other errors - not. Maybe someone can chime in for those too.

Actually I guess there’s no way to be “right” with that control. if you are looking North then West is a turn to the left, but if you are looking South then it’s a turn to the right. Never mind :slight_smile:

I like your Astronomical Facts. Can I include that script next release?

Thanks Lee for another great script!!!


I think I’ll add time slice option too .

I like your Astronomical Facts. Can I include that script next release?

If your reffering to the “Fun Facts” at the bottom of the page they came from another post on the forum. See so I’m sure you could include them.
