Star Chart and SpaceWx

Hi again
Another great script, however as i am in the uk the cleardarksky link is only for US locations. Do I need to put in my lat and long as I did with your first version, if so where do I put it.


Update:- I just found this Which is very similar to the US version. I am very green when it comes to coding etc so could you tell me how to get this version to replace what you have in the script. I assume I just replace the link.


Doh just found the link to paste at the bottom of the above page.

You might want to look here for any ideas


I had forgoten about this site. I always took a good look at the satellites pages when I went camping with the Boy Scouts.

Thank you

I have added this to my page here, needs some tweaking on the legend, the site allows use as long as non commercial. Just copy and paste link given into page. The legend needs some work.

Thanks Lee for another excellent script

Hey Phil,
Lat/Long now comes from Settings.php, so you don’t have to worry about it.

Yes, just replace the ClearSky code.

Looks really good!!! I just downloaded the new version.

Hold off on tweaking the legend, Phil, I’m going to condense it into a graphic tonight. :wink:
It’ll be handy to find out how to make one of the maps appear as a default when the page loads, but that’ll come. :smiley:

I added some text to remind people to click on a button to see the chart. I also set the Hyperlinks at the bottom to “new” targets so they don’t drift away from my site… :smiley: :smiley: It really looks good.

Hey everyone,
I am ready to release an update with a default image that is visible when you open the pg; user defined.
I also added the EU Sky Forecast.

I am debating on using the image from Heavens-Above for ISS, but I don’t think it’s ethical.

One legend graphic for those using the 7-Timer APanel attached.

My page so far:

New update is available; see 1st post for dnld.

Default image works now.
Added EU sky forecast.
Cleaned up some errors; still have a handful. Any help very appreciated.

Next update will be to change time of view from the default.
Satellite passes for ISS and other LEO objects w/ 1 to -1 mags.

Got the latest version up and running, brilliant thaks for all the effort. JUst one minor issues I have my site showing as widescreen but selecting the wide option on this page is not making any difference it just showing in the narrow form.

Thanks for the latest update and thanks also to budgie for the new legend gif

latest now up and running here

Try removing this; it’s just above

<style type="text/css">
#page {width: 820px }

Nice job on the legend.

I made a simplified legend for the NA sky chart for next release.

Try removing this; it's just above


#page {width: 820px }

That did it, Thanks.


I got mine to validate. Here ya go: Excellent script!!!


Looking real good!!!

Always trying to keep the menu short, :wink: I added this info to the Astronomy page.
Thanks for the great addition!

Very nice, I like it!!!