Space Weather addon page for WD-AJAX-PHP-USA

Space Weather addon page for WD-AJAX-PHP-USA

You can see my Space Weather Script in use here:

This script will show a space weather forecast page, Real Time Images of the Sun, and graphs of Real Time Solar X-ray and Solar Wind. It shows the 3-day space weather forecast from the NOAA / Space Weather Prediction Center. Also included are 9 PHP images that are cached locally on your server.

Version: 1.2.1 - 30-Sep-2011

  • updated image URL for Mauna Loa Solar image

Version: 1.2 - 24-Oct-2009

  • XHTML 1.0-Strict compliant code (even though the template uses XHTML 1.0 Transitional)
  • added links in the credits.

Version: 1.1 - 24-Oct-2009

Installation (USA carterlake php template sites)

You must already be running the USA carterlake php template

Step 1)

Step 2)
Upload these files to your web server:

Step 3)
test your page:

A paypal donate button is on my scripts page

What to do if you get Error 003 displayed in the images.
Description of the PHP error:
cannot write to file, you need to adjust the server permission settings.

This is a PHP error telling you that your server is setup with too strict file permissions,
not every server is the same so it is not possible to give you one specific solution.
Try changing the folder permissions(CHMOD) to 755, 717, or on some servers 777.

Here is a tutorial on how to change folder permissions using your FTP program.

If your host has PHP safe_mode = on, this will cause many PHP scripts to have permission problems and errors.
Ask your host to turn safe_mode off, safe_mode was determined to be a bad idea and will be removed from PHP6.

Very nice Mike. I’ll be adding that onto my site later.

1 Like

Nice one, added, I have something similar on my astronomy page but yours is so much better :smiley:

Hi Mike,

Got another winner. This info will be great for the amateur radio community as well. Will try to play around with it as time permits.

Thank you for all that you contribute.

–Stan Y.
Maui, Hawaii

Looks good. Is there a chance of using dials from Rice University, the Planetary Kp from N3KL, and offer black background.? I also RSS from Propogation Center.

When I flew the DSP Satellite Constellation we heavily relied upon Kp and X-Ray indices. Indicators of impending spacecraft impacts and perturbations. Bad stuff, as flares and our magnetic field can cause ‘drag’ on spacecraft.

Very Nice Mike,
here is the link:

Thanks for your great job, :slight_smile:


I’ve been meaning to place a space weather page on my site for some time now. Thanks very much Mike :slight_smile:

I like the sun images you have, and the other stuff. I might fit them into my script when I get time.


Good one Mike!

Great script set, Mike! Thanks!!

My page is at - Space Weather

Best regards,

Quick question - I uploaded the files per instructions (Thanks Mike!!) and tested the wxspace.php at Seems I’m not getting any graphics. Could that be the cache file writing restriction on If so, what are the cache files? I think if I create them in the website directory at e-Rice and set the permissions to 666 then the scripts can use the cache file write that it needs to display graphics? Am I on the right track??

Any help appreciated.


I’m also on E-Rice.
I simply uploaded the files that Mike said was needed, and it worked.
I didn’t have to change any permissions.

Hmmmm. Now Im really puzzled.

All files were put in the same directory as wxspace.php?

Hi All,

Thanks Mike for the script. Got mine to work just fine. Plug n’ Play. No fuss, just load and go. My page is at

Will get it on the menu bar as time permits.

Thank you again for a wonderful job.

–Stan Y.
Maui, Hawaii

Also on e-rice, also not getting graphics. :frowning:
I looks to me like the script is calling for a .txt cache. Is this something that we need to create manually and then change the permissions on?

Tried installing this but not getting the graphics just “error 003” Maybe because I’m using the worldmml template though.


Samething here on e-rice. I did manage to get a few graphics going after fighting with it for a bit. I’ll try and finish it today.

Put the chmod permissions on 777, but after update got this


403 Forbidden


You don't have permission to access /today.html on this server.

in spaceweather-current.txt

emptied it have forecast again and put chmod on 755, observing now

I have all of my files set to 777, thats the only way i could get them to work.