Space Weather addon page for WD-AJAX-PHP-USA

Are you on e-rice? I tried changing my files to 777, but it did not save.

Im on e-rice. Thats odd that its not saving. Not that it proably matters but, are you using filezilla?

Why struggle with a web host that restricts things and makes it harder?
May I suggest making a switch to HostGator
Info at my computer repair site

Be sure to select “Linux Web Hosting” when you start your hosting account. If your web site requires any interactive scripts like contact forms, blogs, forums, e-commerce, etc. then I very highly recommend “Linux Web Hosting” rather than “Windows Web Hosting” because I have fewer problems with it.

i dont think e-rice is restricting things so this script wont work, cause i did get a few pics to work, Its just taking a few extra things to get it to work.

Just my personal $ 0.02 but I think it’s a valid choice because most people do not need, or wish, to spend more than the minimum necessary for a hobby website. According to the info posted on Hostgator’s site they pay more in commission to affiliates (such as yourself) than we users of e-rice and other low cost hosts pay for hosting, and at the end of the day what you get is hosting with more advanced capabilities but on a shared server owned by the same

Hi all,

I am with 1and1 and it is not working. The page comes up properly but not the pictures. I have changed permissions to 777.

Your image php files seem to be missing
PS some servers do not like permissions 777

Thanks Mike, that did the trick. Now for the translation and then it goes in the menu.


Im at work, but i remember setting the curl option to 1, and the cached to 0. That has worked for me on the 2 images i got working. i also had to create both image files my self. example: solar-cylce.gif and solar-cycle-cached.gif and set the permissions to both of them too 777.

For me, the .gif images got created when I tested the new page on Wamp localhost on my computer. And as Mike noticed, I forgot to upload the .php files and loaded only the .gif.

I figured out how to get it work on E-rice. If others still need help with it, I can post what i did.


I’m not at home, but I have been watching this thread. I’m interested in putting up space weather and I’m also an E-Rice user, so it’d be great if you could post your steps.



Upload all the files as reccomended By Mike. If the graphics don’t show up, change your Web folder permissions to 717, and then it should work. Don’t worry about changing the permissions back on your Web folder, cause it does it will do it by itself. Worked for me, so hopefully it’ll work for others on E-rice having problems.

Amazing. Thanks. Just changed permissions on /web directory to 717 on my e-rice account and the graphics are displaying. Except for the Latest Mauna Loa Solar Image for some reason. Gotta figure that one out now
 Getting closer!



Okay I get the basic idea of this info, but cant get my head around regional validity ie is it only of value if your in the states or could it be of value else where in the world.

Anyone have any ideas why all the graphics except the Mauna Loa Solar Image are displaying on my wxspace page???

Do you have the permissions set different on that file compared to the rest?

Warning: chmod() [function.chmod]: Operation not permitted in /virtual/users/e16314-17467/web/image-space-solar-disk.php

There is a setting to disable CHMOD in each image php file.

Works now - set the CHMOD option to “0” - worked like a charm - all the graphics are displaying now - Thanks!!

Also set the permissions for all files to 776 - not sure if that made a difference because only that one graphic would not display.

Appreciate the 411 -
