Links to pwsWD sites

I’ve just approved yours (and two others) so you’ll appear on the map now. Maybe it’s my aging eyes but I found the opacity settings on your page made the content difficult to read so you might want to consider turning it down a little.


Or change the text to a different colour

I agree. I just went through it with my site too. It wasn’t as drastic, but somebody mentioned they couldn’t see the forecast very well. I turned down the transparency on the block background a little bit and a lot on the block headers. That would help out a lot @MM0ZIF. It’s a cool image and I can see why you want to show it off, but some of the text and images are very hard to see/read.

I agree yes I am in the process of going through the CSS to make it more viewable :slight_smile:


Have you tried user theme (called station theme in the menu) as recommended by Wim? You can alter the theme colours in PWS_index2.php. . . see my PWS dashboard.

Hi, i Think you lost your background color.
Please, try give a background-color to your class

Who has lost their background colour?

Sorry, I forgot to write that was referred to MM0ZIF not to you.
Excuse me

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Here is my station

Catching up - I’ve added this now.

Hi Can I let you know I have changed the URL of my PWS Dashboard site


and now is


PWS at Thessaloniki Historical Center - Greece - Central Macedonia:


Ah, no the background is now deliberately gone as the data is being pushed to another page that already has a background so now I am using iframe and transparency :slight_smile:

You just need to look at the webcam as when you click on it it goes to the demo image