That is the solution, to start with.
This image shows what is happening if you modify it from 0.9 to 0.2
You also have to change the colours for the header and footer.
That definition is on line 70
$clr_mnbg = '#393D40'; /* bckground menu/header */
It should be converted to rgba
$clr_mnbg ='rgba(36,38,43,'.$clr_trans.')';
Support is far easier if one inserts its website URL in every post
Add it to your avatar, the URL is more important than the look of the avatar itself.
Also include the full link to a page when you have a question about a specific block.
A screenshot also will help as A picture is worth a thousand words
If you have a recent version of PWS_Dashboard, check your ?theme=user version, that already has a transparency of 0.4
And it has a better readable top-line in each block.