Just a quick question will the graph go to negative number for altitude (height).
Here is a link for area and it is showing negative numbers for altitude.
Just a quick question will the graph go to negative number for altitude (height).
Here is a link for area and it is showing negative numbers for altitude.
It’s OK, the table says it’s in Mountain Standard Time and you’re currently Mountain Daylight Time.
Yes the time is okay but for some reason the elevation/height is off an hour.
Thanks to all!
My green line is going a bit offscreen… any idea what figures to change?
I’ll keep following this thread…
Hmmm, your graph shows 8:40 MDT, 115 azimuth, 23 elevation.
The table (MST) shows:
07:20 20.8 98.4
07:30 22.5 100.3
07:40 24.1 102.3
07:50 25.8 104.3
08:00 27.4 106.4
08:10 29.1 108.5
08:20 30.7 110.6
08:30 32.2 112.8
08:40 33.8 115.1
08:50 35.3 117.5
09:00 36.8 119.9
Adjusting for DST your time would be 7:40 MST, so the elevation, 23, is OK, but the azimuth, 115, appears to be one hour off.
Hmmm :?
Seems your azimuth scale is wrong, it should only range about 200 degrees total, not 300, if it’s displaying the time the sun is above the horizon.
Here are the 950 am settings 09:50 43.6 133.4
I am at 34 133
I tried to put this graph into the wxastronomy.php but I can’t get it to work. I have placed the code at the bottom of the page because I wanted that this is the last
“pic” on the site. If anybody could please have a look at it.
Sorry, I was to fast the attached file is my working original. I put the following at the bottom under html:
<?php include("sonnenstand.php"); ?>
wxastronomy.php.txt (12 KB)
Here is how I did mine.
You have enclosed your code with …code…:
<p><font face="Trebuchet MS"><span style="font-size:14pt;">Tag/Nacht Ansicht Erde</span></font></p>
<p><img src="http://www.fourmilab.ch/cgi-bin/Earth?img=learth.evif&imgsize=320&dynimg=y&opt=-p&lat=&lon=&alt=&tle=&date=0&utc=&jd="></p>
You need to delete the … and the … part else you break your code.
Thanks for helping me out another time.
The solution from Chuck works.
The one from Rainer not. I removed the html tags but the same error appears.
this is what i used…
just change the file name to yours and it will work.
Thanks a lot. See it here: http://www.wetternet.org/wxastronomy.php
Ok I see you’re running your pages in a frame and without the ajax footer include.
Just put this at the very end of your script … after “”:
I now have done the following (for testing your solution - the other works) Only the end of my php:
# include("footer.php");
# End of Page
<p><font face="Trebuchet MS"><span style="font-size:14pt;">Tag/Nacht Ansicht Erde</span></font></p>
<p><img src="http://www.fourmilab.ch/cgi-bin/Earth?img=learth.evif&imgsize=320&dynimg=y&opt=-p&lat=&lon=&alt=&tle=&date=0&utc=&jd="></p>
<p><font face="Trebuchet MS"><span style="font-size:14pt;">Aktueller Sonnenstand</span></font></p>
<img border="0" src="./jpgraph-2.3/sonnenstand.php" alt="Sunheight" title="Sunheight Graph"></img>
<center><font face="Trebuchet MS"><span style="font-size:12t;">Gelber Punkt = Aktuelle Sonnenposition
Grüne Linie = Sonnenkurve am 21. Juni (längster Tag)
Weiße Linie = Sonnenkurve am 21. Dezember (kürzester Tag)
Yellow dot = actual sunposition
green line(high line) = the curve the sun will follow on the 21 st of June(longest day)
white line(low line) = the curve the sun will follow on the 21 st of December(shortest day)</span>
Then I get the following error:
JpGraph Error: HTTP headers have already been sent. Caused by output from file top.php at line 81. Explanation: HTTP headers have already been sent back to the browser indicating the data as text before the library got a chance to send it's image HTTP header to this browser. This makes it impossible for the library to send back image data to the browser (since that would be interpretated as text by the browser and show up as junk text).Most likely you have some text in your script before the call to Graph::Stroke(). If this texts gets sent back to the browser the browser will assume that all data is plain text. Look for any text, even spaces and newlines, that might have been sent back to the browser.
For example it is a common mistake to leave a blank line before the opening “<?php”.
its needs to be <img src for a graphic file. thats why that didnt work.
The error disappears when I put the whole
in one line but that doesn’t show me the graph.
I grabbed the script this morning before work and there were maybe 6 posts and came home and found nearly 70 posts and a new improved version.
First, thanks to Pinto. As a community we all benefit from experts and from their sharing.
Here is my effort. I put the image on the astronomy page and added Pinto’s descriptions:
Has anyone played around with the script to try and convert to Open Flash Chart?
I tried messing with it for a bit. All I could get is a blank graph. Couldnt get any data on it.
Jose you need to change this code:
<p><font face="Trebuchet MS"><span style="font-size:14pt;">Tag/Nacht Ansicht Erde</span></font></p>
<p><img src="http://www.fourmilab.ch/cgi-bin/Earth?img=learth.evif&imgsize=320&dynimg=y&opt=-p&lat=&lon=&alt=&tle=&date=0&utc=&jd="></p>
<p><font face="Trebuchet MS"><span style="font-size:14pt;">Aktueller Sonnenstand</span></font></p>
<img border="0" src="./jpgraph-2.3/sonnenstand.php" alt="Sunheight" title="Sunheight Graph"></img>
<center><font face="Trebuchet MS"><span style="font-size:12t;">Gelber Punkt = Aktuelle Sonnenposition
Grüne Linie = Sonnenkurve am 21. Juni (längster Tag)
Weiße Linie = Sonnenkurve am 21. Dezember (kürzester Tag)
Yellow dot = actual sunposition
green line(high line) = the curve the sun will follow on the 21 st of June(longest day)
white line(low line) = the curve the sun will follow on the 21 st of December(shortest day)</span>
To this:
<p><font face="Trebuchet MS"><span style="font-size:14pt;">Tag/Nacht Ansicht Erde</span></font></p>
<p><img src="http://www.fourmilab.ch/cgi-bin/Earth?img=learth.evif&imgsize=320&dynimg=y&opt=-p&lat=&lon=&alt=&tle=&date=0&utc=&jd="></p>
<p><font face="Trebuchet MS"><span style="font-size:14pt;">Aktueller Sonnenstand</span></font></p>
<img border="0" src="./jpgraph-2.3/sonnenstand.php" alt="Sunheight" title="Sunheight Graph"></img>
<center><font face="Trebuchet MS"><span style="font-size:12t;">
Gelber Punkt = Aktuelle Sonnenposition
Grüne Linie = Sonnenkurve am 21. Juni (längster Tag)
Weiße Linie = Sonnenkurve am 21. Dezember (kürzester Tag)
Yellow dot = actual sunposition
Green line(high line) = the curve the sun will follow on the 21 st of June(longest day)
White line(low line) = the curve the sun will follow on the 21 st of December(shortest day)
<!-- there should be nothing after this -->