I tried that, too. But nothing changes.
Sorry Jose, but I was looking for a reason why your graph was missing the LEFT part
$a = ($sun_info[transit]-36000);
you can change that in //hi position part( allways increase with 3600)
it is like a balancing act, left increase and right increase until it is ok
don’t overdo it, it only gives your server more to to
Thanks Pinto, I used 19 instead of 18 and that worked OK :thumbup:
Thanks a lot. After changing to -36000 and the other value to 19 it works.
By the way, is it possible to include data from testtags.php? I like to have the globalradiation which is in %VPsolar% to display in the graph.
hi everybody
thank you for this script, amazing work
could you explain what the high and low lines represent in relation
to the summer icon in the graph
I’ve updated my webpage I would like to add some text to explain what the different lines mean
Here is what mine looks like
$a = ($sun_info[transit]-36000); for ($i=0;$i<=19;$i++){
have you tried other values?
Yellow dot = actual sunposition
green line(high line) = the curve the sun will follow on the 21 st of June(longest day)
white line(low line) = the curve the sun will follow on the 21 st of December(shortest day)
For anyone interesting in cross checking the numbers there’s a calculator here (use June 21st and Dec 21st for the upper and lower curves).
You da’ man Pinto, thank you very much, its working a treat
After playing with numbers here is what it looks like.
//Hi position $sun_info = date_sun_info(strtotime("21 June".date("Y",time())), $lat,$long); $b = array(); $a = ($sun_info[transit]-36000); for ($i=0;$i<=24;$i++){ $a=$a+3600; $b[] = $a; } foreach ($b as $v) { $time1 = getdate($v); $azimuth1 = convertRadtoGrad(hourangle(solartime($time1))); $azimuth1 = $azimuth1+180; $height1 = convertRadtoGrad(asin(sunheightsin($time1))); $az0[] = round($azimuth1,0); $he0[] = round($height1,0); } //Low position $sun_info = date_sun_info(strtotime("21 December".date("Y",time())), $lat,$long); $b = array(); $a = ($sun_info[transit]-36000); for ($i=0;$i<=24;$i++){ $a=$a+3600; $b[] = $a;
Much better!
The middle one is not all the way down on the left side. Which numbers do I mess with to fix that.
try $dusk = 5;
to make the gold line look, ok
I think i have made the array’s too small
Changed dusk to 5 looks much better.
Looks much better.
“Elevation” would be better than “Height”.
Just checked my altitude, elevation, height whatever it is and it looks like it is off by an hour according to the link niko gave me.
I’ll bet you could change the background color to indicate sunrise (orange), day (blue), sunset (redish) and night (black). And I’ll bet we find someone who can figure out the moon stuff too!
- Jim
8O :Fade-color :?: :scratch: :dontknow: