Graphic sun position

Oh crikey, perhaps it might be best to hear from Pinto on this one lol

Think so, too. :wink:

it’ the timezone-setting
It’s not in there

$SITE['TZ'] = "US/Mountain";
    set_tz( $SITE['TZ'] );
function set_tz ($TZ){
    if (phpversion() >= "5.1.0") {
    } else {
        putenv("TZ=" . $TZ);



adjust $SITE[‘TZ’]= for your location


~~>see here

it is the letter O

EDIT:sorry, I don’t need it, because my server is in my timezone. So it is not in my script.

Hi Pinto, thanks a lot, I have added it to the script but i dont suppose you know
a way to set it so it knows it should be 1hour ahead do you? Mine is still 1hour

Sorry, no, not sure

Like I said here
The original author of the script is Breitling

I added that but I do not have any difference, too. Perhaps because for me it’s the same:

EDIT:sorry, I don’t need it, because my server is in my timezone. So it is not in my script.



For the date, GMT is GMT and it wouldn’t change regardless of time zone. I made mine show local time by changing

$fecha = gmdate("j m Y H:i", time())." GMT";


$fecha = date("n-j-y g:i a", time());

  • Jim

Thanks a lot. Got it now.



Thanks a lot Jim, thats got the correct time now, Just hope the sun’s movement is right
Will try to work it out tomoz… :slight_smile:

hmmmmm…Ive replaced the time part in the code as Jim Stated and my time is still off by 7 hours. Half of the arch line is missing, and so is the sun icon like others have. Any Ideas? Thanks, Mark.


For the arc, try removing the “-” from your longitude. For the time, you’ll need to go back a few posts and grab Pinto’s code to add at the beginning of your script and set your time zone. Also, where you put the -7, that really an “O” (the letter).

  • Jim

Thanks Jim. My Longitude starts with a “-” but the script doesnt like that, Took that out and everything works fine now. Thanks again.


It’s actually astronomic formulas/calculations that require that versus the geographic side of things.

  • Jim

Well now its morning i have the same issue, removing GMT removes the sun lol
But having see about “-” in the Longitude i to have removed it and it appears to be ok now…

Thanks guys :slight_smile:

script updated
Thank you all :smiley:

No, thank YOU Pinto for your magic work :smiley:

update hi and low curve
If you use this, update the whole script, had to change some functions

Great, it looks like this (have to change to Dutch):

Mine looks similar:

Hi Peter
in the //hi position part, try to increase the number to 18 or even more, so your green line comes to the end at the right side

for ($i=0;$i<=18;$i++){