Graphic sun position

Got the OFC going a little bit…I’m having obvious data plotting problems though:


Could you send me OFC script that you are working on and I can play with it a bit.


Yeah, please post the code, looks promising :smiley:

Code for OFC here…The log/lat/tz are for Chuck’s station. Let me know if you guys can figure this out!

#Script updated on 14 April 2009
#Thanks to input from Forum-members

// allow viewing of generated source

if ( isset($_REQUEST['sce']) && strtolower($_REQUEST['sce']) == 'view' ) {
//--self downloader --
   $filenameReal = __FILE__;
   $download_size = filesize($filenameReal);
   header('Pragma: public');
   header('Cache-Control: private');
   header('Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate');
   header("Content-type: text/plain");
   header("Accept-Ranges: bytes");
   header("Content-Length: $download_size");
   header('Connection: close');
//Start of script
#Settings                                                     #
include_once( 'ofc-library/open-flash-chart.php' );
$hostloc = "./";

$lat = 47.11967;
$lon = 104.70314;//unlike other scripts, this is East negative
$SITE['TZ'] = "America/Denver";//set your timezone
#End of settings                                              #

set_tz( $SITE['TZ'] );
$timeadj = $lon * (1/15);
$solarct = 1368;
$sunavgdist = 149600000;

function set_tz ($TZ){
    if (phpversion() >= "5.1.0") {
    } else {
        putenv("TZ=" . $TZ);

function convertRadtoGrad ($angle) {		// Converts radians to sexagesimal degrees

	$angle = $angle * 57.29578;
	return $angle;

function convertGradtoRad ($angle) {		// Converts sexagesimal degrees to radians

	$angle = $angle / 57.29578;
	return $angle;
function eccentricity ($day)			// Function to know sun eccentricity
	$angle = (2*M_PI*$day)/365;
	$ecc = 1 + (0.033 * cos($angle));
	return $ecc;
function declination ($day)				// Function to know sun declination
	$dec = 23.45 * cos(2*M_PI*(($day-173)/365));
	return $dec;

function hourangle ($hour)				// Function to know hour angle
	$hangle = ((2*M_PI*$hour)/24)-M_PI;
	return $hangle;

function local_time ($hour)				// Function to know local hour
	$localhour = $hour[hours];
	$localminute = $hour[minutes];
	$localsecond = $hour[seconds];
	$local_time = $localhour + ($localminute/60) + ($localsecond/3600);
	return $local_time;

function solartime ($hour)				// Function to know solar hour from local hour
	global $diffUTC;
	global $timeadj;

	$solarhour = $hour[hours];
	$solarhour = $solarhour - $diffUTC;
	$solarminute = $hour[minutes] - ($timeadj*60);
	$solarsecond = $hour[seconds];
	$solartime = $solarhour + ($solarminute/60) + ($solarsecond/3600);
	return $solartime;

function sunheightsin ($hour)			// Function to know sun height sine
	global $lat;

	$angle1 = declination($hour[yday]);
	$angle1 = convertGradtoRad($angle1);
	$angle2 = convertGradtoRad($lat);
	$sin = (sin($angle1)*sin($angle2))+(cos($angle1)*cos($angle2)*cos(hourangle(solartime($hour))));
	return $sin;


	$dusk = 5;
	$dawn = 22;
	$az = array();
	$he = array();
	for($h=$dusk; $h<=$dawn; ++$h) {
		$time = mktime($h);
		$time = getdate($time);
		$azimuth = convertRadtoGrad(hourangle(solartime($time)));
		$azimuth = $azimuth+180;
		$height = convertRadtoGrad(asin(sunheightsin($time)));
		$az[] = round($azimuth,0);
		$he[] = round($height,0);

//Hi position
$sun_info = date_sun_info(strtotime("21 June".date("Y",time())), $lat,$long);
$b = array();
  $a = ($sun_info[transit]-39600);
for ($i=0;$i<=24;$i++){
$b[] = $a;
foreach ($b as $v) {
		$time1 = getdate($v);
    $azimuth1 = convertRadtoGrad(hourangle(solartime($time1)));
    		$azimuth1 = $azimuth1+180;
		$height1 = convertRadtoGrad(asin(sunheightsin($time1)));
		$az0[] = round($azimuth1,0);
		$he0[] = round($height1,0);
//Low position
$sun_info = date_sun_info(strtotime("21 December".date("Y",time())), $lat,$long);
$b = array();
  $a = ($sun_info[transit]-39600);
for ($i=0;$i<=24;$i++){
$b[] = $a;
foreach ($b as $v) {
		$time2 = getdate($v);
    $azimuth2 = convertRadtoGrad(hourangle(solartime($time2)));
    		$azimuth2 = $azimuth2+180;
		$height2 = convertRadtoGrad(asin(sunheightsin($time2)));
		$az1[] = round($azimuth2,0);
		$he1[] = round($height2,0);


	$az2 = array();
	$he2 = array ();
	$time2 = getdate();
	$azimuth2 = convertRadtoGrad(hourangle(solartime($time2)));
	$azimuth2 = ($azimuth2+180);
	$height2 = convertRadtoGrad(asin(sunheightsin($time2)));
	$az2[0] = round($azimuth2,0);
	$he2[0] = round($height2,0);

/* Start OFC Graph Code Here */

$g = new graph();
$g->title( 'Sun Position', '{font-size: 20px; color: #040400}' );
$g->bg_colour = '88B5B3';

// we add 3 sets of data:
$g->set_data( $he, $az );
$g->set_data( $he0, $az0 );
$g->set_data( $he1, $az1 );

// we add the 3 line types and key labels
$g->line( 2, '#F8FF46', 'Sun Path', 10 );
$g->line( 2, '#28A737', 'Hi', 10);    // <-- 3px thick + dots
$g->line( 2, '#FFFFFF', 'Lo', 10 );

$g->set_x_labels(array (60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120, 130, 140, 150, 160, 170, 180, 190 ,200, 210, 220, 230, 240, 250, 260, 270, 280, 290, 300));
$g->set_x_label_style( 10, '0x000000', 0, 2 );
$g->set_x_legend( 'Azimuth', 12, '#040400' );

$g->set_y_min( 0 );
$g->set_y_max( 90 );
$g->y_label_steps( 9 );
$g->set_y_legend( 'Elevation', 12, '#040400' );
echo $g->render();

Thanks a lot. That works now and I understood what you have meant.



Hi mth

I tried your OFC but failed miserably, i ented long and lat and time zone but sommat aint right still

You should redo the calculation, or so.
The arrays are don’t have an equal number of values.
When I was playing with OFC, I thought I read somewhere they must have an equal number of values.

EDIT: screenshot in attachment

Sorry for being late at this thread, I see you’ve already solved all problems :slight_smile:

Pinto, I have a very early stage for a moon position script. Lots of calculations but I’ll try. Not just moon position, I’m working in moon phase as well.

:smiley: Very good news.

Hey there pinto!

The calculation is the exact same calculation as the JP Graph version. Does the JPGraph version have equal number of values?

yes, I know, but JPgraph can handle arrays with a different number of values


Ahhh, I see. :slight_smile: I will look into this.


I have the most recent version of JPGraph installed and this script was failing… I had to change the script to use the SetPos command rather than Pos() as shown below to get it working again.


$text =new Text(“Jun 21”);
$text->SetPos( 185,60);
$text->SetColor( “white”);
$text1 =new Text(“Dec 21”);
$text1->SetPos( 185,170);
$text1->SetColor( “white”);


Thank you Jim :smiley:

and another Update

EDIT: Thank you Stuntman

hi everybody

thank you for the latest update on the Sun script
it looks brilliant on my webpage next to the author UV/solar graph


Hi All
I have just been reading through this thread, Being a novice at coding etc I don’t understand very much of whats being said, however undaunted I downloaded the latest update of the file from Pinto’s last post, I changed the Tz and lat and long position but having uploaded it to the server I am just seeing a blank page, I assume I have missed a vital part somewhere. Any (basic) help much appreciated.

Here’s the link to the page, I have changed the php file name to sunpos


Excellent job on the update, thank you


You should place the file in the directory where the jpgraph directory is in.

Is your scripts data true to the data found here??

My data is off significantly…
Graph states: 293 -12
Sunform states 303 -20

Mines off alot according to that page also.