Arghhh, Another Question

Big Grin Guess What I got working!!!

Thanks Andro. You ponited me in the right direction. It was the COM/LPT1 ports. Did not even think of looking there. I had some bluetooth software installed for when i used to travel with the old laptop. It had taken every Comm Port :slight_smile: I simply uninstalled the software, the Laptop then gave it Port 18 :P, i set it manually to 6. Bingo!!!

Need to shout.


What I now cant seem to do on the lappy in make the Control Panel Appear. Its not clickable. In fact its opening on the right screen (which the lappy does not have) I have tried saving it positioned on the left screen on the main pc but it dont work :stuck_out_tongue: Help!!! Again

Did you try and restart the computer and see if that helps. That should not have not any effect on that. I could be wrong though.


Shaggy, in your anticipation to get it working you must have missed a few pointers, just for the record all USB devices are assigned to comm. Numbers (ports) so the only place to see them is in the device manager / ports (COM/LPT/). Glad you got it working.

Glad you got it working should have been clearer in reply 13 :oops:
Strange now though, I’m sure its not much. hope you fix it soon.

Thanks Guys. Sorted it I think. I had to save all the screens on the right by clicking ok.

Should be good to go now

Congratulations…a nice surprise this morning… :smiley: :smiley:

Yes, indeedy. Now, Once my domain is setup I can start bulding a site around WD and my other interests. One thing I did notice. The Laptop needed a reboot this morning as WD was running very slow. Is this generally the case?

What do you mean by WD running slow?..I certainly do not need to re-boot my PC running WD at all for that sort of reason…A month before a re-boot is quite common and the re-boot is usually because of a microsoft update rquirement anyway…Are you running other programmes at the same time as WD and how much memory is in the laptop…if you start running a webcam/webcam capture/video then that will take additional CPU/resources…

Only 512MB Memory in the Lappy :frowning: Just gonna see if I can get Webcam working now.

Don’t forget to look through the FAQ’s as there is plenty of info in there, particularly if you progress to all-day video etc…Snowman wrote a good piece there…There have been plenty of threads that are worth a look-see if you use the WD search tool for the database using good keywords…

More would obviously help a lot…

Well I’ve set it up according to Snowman’s guide, however, webcamimage.jpg is uploading. Not sure if i should be seeing a gif? as well. Nothing displaying on this page though where I would expect to see it?

Remember, there are 3 elements to getting the webcam image onto your webpage…

they are dealt with in three separate places within WD control panel…1.Make the image (Webcam) 2. Put the image made for selection onto webpage (Web files/web Page…) 3. FTP and connections (webcam upload)

Make sure that the relevant tick boxes are selected for each stage (as in FAQs)

No it is not essential to have a GIF webcam image being created (due to compression techniques you will find that JPG is far better anyway)

Edit To see where the webcam appears on the WD uploaded page see mine as an example…

Edit 2…I suspect that you have not ammended the relavant parts within 2 above and updated the HTML part maybe…

I had dont display Webcam Image on Webpage selected. I have taken that off. 2 Mins to see if it works. Do I need the Camera Icon running in system tray as well? Or can that be shut down?

Right, the text shows. But no picture.

You can actually see the file uploads every 5 mins

But will not appear on the webpage

yes you need the webcam icon to be alive on the RHS Systray, but not on the bottom Taskbar. Just use the Arrow to RH corner to close to alive on Systray.

If you let it generate a GIF, then that can be an icon on the main View page (PC monitor) and you can add it to the Web page Summary page into the Gif there as a tick (and other uses as well ) on Summary image and Icons via Control Panel, (“Use a webcam Image For Icon” TAB ) I think. The gif also allows for an Animated version as well.

Also, note on the Webcam image setup, at the top is /Overlay\ TAB - you can add the current temp, wind speed and direction etc and you can add your own comments as well. You can check mine on my website -I selected to edit my datahtm2 file and add a few extra features. And learnt some html tricks as well :wink:

Sorry, I got called away for higher priority tasking.

As kiwi says, the Wwebcamcapture prog should be left running (it is a separate .exe prog to WD but started by WD) Leave running in system tray.

Here is my ws2300 FTP page for your info to use as a comparison guide:

Thanks guys. My settings are exactly as shown in your picture. i still cant get the bloody thing to display though.

Any other ideas? What screenshots do you need :slight_smile: i will supply them

Hang on, its worked. Now the other pictures dont. What made it work was selecting use Jpeg images instead of gif, but now the other pictures dont work.


Everything except the summary image is showing for me and the summary image results in a 404 not found…
