The cuase may possibly because you hadn’t done an interim save on your banner image and icons setup…Remember for WD to work correctly it is always best to take 1 step at atime and save then check to see if it has worked…
OK …Control panel/Summary image and Icons (little red roof house)/summary image and setup…make sure correct tick boxes etc…Here is mine on the s/by ws2300 setup…
Thanks Munro, I think I have sorted it, I just need to resize the summary Icon. Its strange as I never played with any of those settings, they only changed after the webcam bit.
Yes, it all looks good now…
Now go swat the webcam bit…see this thread as a starter Web Cam Upgrade

and…you could put the webcam image on WDLive…see my website with “Live Wx” with the webcam button on WDL…
Both pages are coming along nicely. Its great to see your webcam image on the WD page… - its all looking good!! As Munro said -I think I said it too - do a Grren tick everytime you back out of an edit page to save it, go to WebPage Setup #1 and Update html file, and then View Web Page - the webcam image may not show as it may be in a different directory of your choice, but the rest should show. its an interesting double check that it all works.
On WDL you have to add the Webcam Icon/button and set that up next 
Keep going… 
Certainely will keep going. Just posted my first ever lighting shot in the Photography section. Pretty chuffed for a first go 
Shaggy - I just checked your number of posts :shock: :lol:
Keep talking dude!
Appologies. I do tend to get carried away.
Really :lol: 
I have just realized you have had your station 8 days 8O
Talk about getting Bit, getting the Fever… LOL
* JaxWeather looks for that quote from 5 or 6 days ago… LOL