Just movded the software over. Seems to have gone without a hitch other than I cant see the WD screen. On my old PC I had 2 screens and it was displaying on the left. i think WD still thinks its displaying on the right hand screen, How can I get it to display?
Yeah that has happened to others… One way may be to go back to original, move screens back to a single monitor and then move it again…
I can’t remember if the settings are a Registry or a WDisplay.ini setting but somewhere are settings for the location of your WD screen and closing WD then removing the settings and then relaunching WD is the cure for sure, but I can’t seem to find a relevant post right now as to the exact setting location…
In wdisplay.ini it may be…
[Last screen position]
Not sure 100% however…
Cheers done that. Works fine. However, the laptop does not seem to recieve data from the the VP 2, I tried all 3 USB ports and nothing. Its back running on my desktop for now
Most likely a Comm port issue or possibly the USB connector… You using a Serial to USB or a straight USB from the data logger?
Do you know that all usb positions are on? You may have to configure them in the laptop?
Using a straight USB, works fine on the desktop. not had any issues. Plugged it into the laptop and I think it recognised it initially as a device, but it recives no data.
Did you load the Silab Drivers CP210x to the laptop. They are on the Weatherlink Disk or at Silabs for download.
Maybe you have to install a driver, so the laptop will recognise what devise it is. Does the logger have a cd with softwear and maybe the driver on it? Try to remember what you have done with the desktop.
Ups Someone was faster with the right answer i hope
Yeah, when you install the weatherlink software it asks you to install some specific drivers. I did check yes.
It can be a challenge getting a laptop to do a solid job of running something like WD 24x7. They are always trying to pull sneaky tricks to save power, and they don’t like to restart automatically after a power outage (although I understand you don’t have those in the UK), and don’t have UPS support.
If anyone else has suggestions that would be great. I will give it another go at the weekend.
Couple of more things to check, in the com. port set of WD check down the bottom “reset com port on start up”. Do you have any other USB devices on the laptop? disable all other software that might use USB ports, some of them they scan all the ports to find the right one, by the time WD starts the port is already “taken” and WD won’t read any data. Does Weather link work on the laptop? hope to sort it out.
Have you checked in Device Manager. I had a few problems with com ports. The computer told me to switch off or unplug devices i didn’t even know i had :? some sort of conflict going on.
I ended up un-installing my serial to usb driver ( i know you don’t have one of these) Switched off things i didn’t think i needed. Somehow windows found the new hardwear in the end and asked me to install the drivers again.
Could it be the old MS pen mouse problem?
I will have a check tonight. Pen Mouse?
Actually the “Microsoft ballpoint serial mouse” issue…
Under USB in device manager it see’s it, but I still cant get the software to see it.
Just checking…have you tried installing and using the WeatherLink software to see if that works?
You mite want to check that the USB ports are set to not power down or go to sleep mode to save power. Also check the port speed matches the console speed on CP210x 19200 baud rate. I know Windows is suppose to know but it is one less thing for windows to do.