Arghhh, Another Question

Yep Weather Link has been installed and when I scan the ports it does not find the device. :frowning:

Unless I have missed somethingā€¦What OS is on your laptopā€¦I think most are presuming it is XPā€¦

WINXP on a Tosh Sattelite Pro, bout 3 years old

This may be contentious but if I were you I would contact WeatherShop and advise them that the USB datalogger is not fit for purpose and request a Serial Datalogger replacement. If your laptop does not have a serial port the chances are that at least a serial to USB device will work (a good quality one anyway). I noticed in Tescos, a couple of days ago that they were selling a Laptop Docking Station with 3xUSB, 1x Serial and 1 x parallel etc for

Iā€™m sure i can get it working. It seeā€™s all other USB devices if I plug them in, it even seeā€™s the VP as I have mentioned, but it does not get the data.

Iā€™m gonna try to uninstall everything today (weather wise) from the laptop. Start in safe mode and take all old USB drivers off. Fingers Crossed :smiley:

Best of luckā€¦ 8)

Its starting to get me down now as I really want this going 24/7

That is totally understandableā€¦frustrating . :frowning: :(ā€¦ But there have been so many threads on the Davis USB data logger not working correctly being reported on this forum and others, that it hasnā€™t surprised me at all to hear of your problems.

So on what port does it see it? I run a serial to USB and does not list a device for it, also if you know the port number start WD or WL go in to the setup port screen and pick the comm port again then close the menu and just wait for a while some times it takes a bit of time to start pulling data in.

When I say it seeā€™s the VP I mean it is seen as being plugged in in Device Manager. it does not get assinged a port though from within either software app. If I use weatherlink and auto detect, or go through each port, its not found.

Worth going to PC World and getting a USB to Serial convertor?

Thatā€™s the wrong way round and I donā€™t think anyone makes them. If you had a serial data logger then youā€™d need a serial to USB converter to use the data logger with your laptop. I think you have a USB data logger so this wonā€™t work for you.

As admin has saidā€¦NOā€¦It is the suspect problem within the USB datalogger itself that may be causing you the griefā€¦Converting that same problem to serial wonā€™t work ā€¦Davis seem to know about this and recently made a new USB driver available, but as far as I know the problem still exists for odd circumstancesā€¦The serial Datalogger does not seem to exhibit connectivity problems at all, even with a serial to USB adapter as far as forum inputs have said. It would also seem the case that as Davis are aware of the problem that they have been willing to exchange the USB dataloggers for the Serial device with no questions asked. Again this is from the forum threads. Prodata may have an input on this if he is on-line.

Ok, Cheers. I will have a play this evening and if I cant get it to work I will call the weather shop and see if I can get it replaced. its a shame cause it works excellent on my desktop.

Sounds to me like the Davis-supplied USB drivers may not be properly installed. Like all USB devices itā€™s quite important to follow the exact instructions when doing the installation - different USB devices often need things done in a different order, eg whether or not the driver should be installed before or after connecting the device, it can make a crucial difference. It may be a tedious suggestion but RTFM definitely applies here. If youā€™ve mislaid the WL installation leaflet thereā€™s a PDF copy of the latest version at:

Check also the section about making sure that the USB driver is up-to-date.

Remember also that if the VP console is in setup mode (which you might have entered to check that the baud rate setting is correct) then the logger wonā€™t be found. The console needs to be in normal (whatā€™s called ā€˜current weatherā€™) mode in order to be visible to the PC.

Do you know if you have USB 1.1 or 2.0 on the laptop? any other USB devices on the laptop? in the device manager and ports can you get a screen shot of it?

Some Pics.

I updated the BIOS on the lappy too. Still no joy.

I hate to say it BUT, since neither WD or WeatherLink can access and it is USB then most likely your Laptop just wonā€™t accept the drivers, while your Desktop will and that is not unheard of with the Davis USB issues.

I would try and exchange the USB logger for a serial connection and then get a good quality serial ā†’ USB adaptor to connect to the laptop, unless it has a serial connector and then just connect directly.


Yeah it has a Serial Connector. I will give the Weather Shop a call and let them know its not working.

Thatā€™s what mine shows. I have the USB version as well. I am one of the few that has good luck with the USB datalogger. Just one quick question shaggy. What is the driver version under the driver tab. I was just curious.

Another thing go to your Ports (Com & LPT) under Device Manager it should be under there. Right click and go to port settings and see what you have. Also look at the General Tab as well to see what it says there.

I am not trying to steer you back to the USB data logger. Just trying to make sure everything is set up right.
