Who's Online PHP Script 2.0 for your template site

Who’s Online PHP Script 2.0 for your template site

This advanced PHP script is designed to be a webmaster tool for your PHP template web site.
Includes a carterlake php template page and includes instructions for other template sites.

It uses a MySQL database to track web site visitors online from the last 15 minutes.
You can see what pages they click on.
Visitors are considered inactive after 5 minutes. Removed after 15 minutes.
Nothing is permanently logged except for a few records.

It has a readme.txt file with step by step instructions, but if you are a beginner at PHP it might not be easy.


Live Example:

My page is password protected, but there is a screenshot.jpg included in the download.

Script page:


Shows Search bots, Visitors, and You
Time online
Entry Time
Last Click Time
IP Addresses
IP Lookups
Last URL Visited
Referrer URL
Visitor count
Max visitors today, month, year, all time
Language variables, easy to translate
Supports tracking of php pages and non-php pages like .htm, .html, etc


  • password protect for admin only usage (protects your visitor’s privacy)
  • Show or hide Bots, Refresh rate, Profile display
  • timezone configurable
  • hide ip addresses if you want
  • “location plugin” included: adds country, city, state, latitude & longitude, and a worldmap image of online visitors.
  • many of the features can be turned on or off in include-whos-online-settings.php

If upgrading from 1.xx, read the included file “upgrading to 2.0 or higher.txt”

This is not a page full featured hit counter or web site logger, you can use google analytics or webalizer for that.

If you have any ideas for more features, let me know

If you try it please let me know, thanks

Version: 2.25 - 02-Sep-2009 - fixed blank map in PHP5.3
to upgrade from 2.24, replace wo-worldmap.php, include-whos-online-header.php and include-whos-online-page.php

Version: 2.24 - 26-Aug-2009 - fixed a deprecated ereg_replace function for PHP 5.3+ compatibility when error warnings are on
to upgrade from 2.23, replace include-whos-online-header.php and include-whos-online-page.php

Version: 2.23 - 02-Aug-2009 - added table definition for table geo_update
to upgrade from 2.22, replace include-whos-online-header.php, include-whos-online-page.php, and add the following settings to your include-whos-online-settings.php
define(‘TABLE_GEO_UPDATE’, ‘geo_update’);

Version: 2.22 - 06-Jul-2009 - another bug fix for maxmind update code related to changes I made in version 2.21
to upgrade from 2.21, replace wo-update.php, include-whos-online-header.php and include-whos-online-page.php

Version: 2.21 - 05-Jul-2009 - There is part of the PHP code where I use CURL to check the last modified date of the maxmind database. Sometimes CURL returns -1 instead of the timestamp on some peoples servers.
I made a modification to use http to check the date when this error is detected.
to upgrade from 2.20, replace include-whos-online-header.php and include-whos-online-page.ph

for more history see changelog.txt in the zip file

I must be having an issue with caching or something. I’m not seeing any files newer than yesterday and don’t see anything like “upgrading to 2.0 or higher.txt” anywhere. I’ll see if I can figure that out. Looking forward to trying the new script out.

  • Jim

You can use the same stats table as before
see Step5) of the “upgrading to 2.0 or higher.txt” file

All was going well until I turned on the State addon, then I got this…http://stillweather.com/whos-online.php

I think I followed the instructions, did I miss something?


The GeoLiteCity.dat file must be uploaded in binary
Maybe you uploaded it in ascii mode?
Check your ftp program setting, upload it again. Let me know if that helped.

I have a couple of questions concerning these two steps;

Step 5) Upload the contents of the 'whos-online' folder to your web server.

Probably a stupid question. So I just upload the entire folder all at once to my web server. #-o

Step 6) add the following code to a php file that is included on every php page on your web site: (note: this works best when the included file is a settings.php include that is included before any output including header) (if you include it in the header, body, or footer, the whos-online.php page will not work)

Not sure what this means. Where do you put it. #-o


I’m having the same issue as Jack…


I am having an issue when trying to upload the GeoLiteCity.dat file

My site is hosted by E-Rice. Using Filezilla, I am transferring this in Binary mode. Once transfer gets to about 19MB, it just quits.

Exactly what is happening to me, even tried other types of ftp uploads.

You E-Rice Jack??

You E-Rice Jack??


Chuck are you installing this on a carterlake template site?
There are two sections in the readme file

Installation (carterlake php template sites)
Installation (any other php template sites)

The step 6 you posted was from the second section, but to answer your question it would go in a Settings.php that is included before the header output.

Could E-Rice limit the maximum file size? #-o

could be a permissions issue, if uploaded the complete file, make sure the file is readable. chmod 0644

Got it working for Bill. Not seeing the map though.


File is not complete…only 19 of 29MB being uploaded.

Yes I am using the Carterlake templates.


then you were in the wrong section, sorry
look for this section:

Installation (carterlake php template sites)


Thanks I went ahead with the carterlake directions. As for the folder do you upload the entire folder as is so the other three folder inside would be sub directories.


If you have command line access to your server you can upload the compressed GeoLiteCity.dat.gz file and uncompress it.
or grab it with wget
If you are able to have command line, see here for instructions:

no, sorry, I just updated the instructions

Upload the following files to your web server where your template site is: