I just finished uploading the entire folder to my web server. Do you put these in the root directory Mike. Sorry to ask so many questions.
I just finished uploading the entire folder to my web server. Do you put these in the root directory Mike. Sorry to ask so many questions.
Chuck, the files go in the root folder of your template site
Is the map on the demo page part of the install or another enhancement?
If you have command line access to your server you can upload the compressed file and uncompress it. or grab it with wget
That went over my head…lol, no harm though, turned off the State addon for now and it works well again. Will have to look into this wget thing!
Thanks Mike, nice work as always.
I upload the folder to the root directory. Like below if you know what I mean.
No, not the folder, I just changed Step 3 to say this:
Step 3)
Upload the following files to your web server where your template site is:
(root folder of your template site)
the files would go to http://www.chucksweather.com/
So I am going to start over and delete the whole folder. How about the other three folders that are inside the whos-online folder. Sorry for asking to many questions.
the location-plugin folder has a readme.txt inside of it.
do not upload any part of the location-plugin folder unless instructed to in that readme
This stuff is a bit above my head. I will read carefully what to do.
This is what I am getting now on my homepage. I am in the middle of uploading that file. See if I have any luck.
Error: You need to install the country-info addon for the country lookup feature to function.
Edit: Your include-whos-online-header.php is not version 2.0, make sure you are upload it from the latest zip file
I am loading that file now it is at 91% complete. Hopefully it will finish.
I believe I have everything uploaded. Went through all the readme’s and uploaded everything in those plus the ones that Mike stated in above post. But I am still getting.
Error: You need to install the country-info addon for the country lookup feature to function.
The 2.0 include-whos-online-header.php does not have that error code in it, you have an older version.
all the files in the latest download are 2.0 version.
In case something got mixed up, you might want to download again and get the latest include-whos-online-header.php from the zip file
Sorry if this was not easy, you are an early adopter of a major upgrade.
Looks great Chuck!
I take it you don’t use e-rice? (the state-addon is working well)
Yes I do use e-rice.
Hmmmm…how did you get the Geolitecity file to upload?
I made sure my setting on filezilla was binary and there is a setting for timeouts I set that to 1800 seconds 30 minutes.
Just to make sure that is the way it is supposed to look. I am not missing anything am I.