Ok, need a little help here, for some reason my Weather-Display data is not updating, which in turn is probably why my trends page isn’t updating as well. I’ve looked over my testtags.txt, testtags.php, Wd-trends-inc.php and Settings.php files to see that all have the same date format. They all seem to have the same date format.
Now saying that, I’m sure that I’ve missed something in a page or is there a setting in the control panel that I’ve missed? Could someone take a look please.
Station system up for 4 Days 4 Hours 32 Minutes 0 Seconds
Station system free memory 308.876 MB
This website uses Weather-Display (10.37Q-(b27)) for weather conditions reporting.
It was last started 8:20:17 AM 1/23/2011.
Component Status Age
h:m:s Latest update time as of
11/13/2016 9:06am
Weather-Display realtime Current 0:00:03 11/13/2016 9:06am
Weather-Display FTP Current 0:00:38 11/13/2016 9:06am
Weather-Display weather data NOT Current 410847:06:54 > 0:05:15
12/31/1969 6:00pm
Weather-Display NOAA report Current 8:56:37 11/13/2016 12:10am
Weather-Display Month report Current 8:56:40 11/13/2016 12:10am
Yes, Data Recieved light is flashing and the WD software reflects what the console is showing. Barometer is showing 30.08in on both console and WD software (actually WD is showing 30.079).
so that is different to what the subject line says
is there any errors under view, program event log in WD
and is the ftp uploading ?
i.e what shows in the ftplogfull.txt file
Program Event Log -
Resetting warmest day values 06:00:40 November/12/2016
Resetting warmest day values 6:01 am 11/12/16
Current coldest night value (oC) 11.9 6:00 am November/13/2016
Resetting warmest day values 6:00 am November/13/2016
Resetting warmest day values 6:01 am 11/13/16
Yep, or at least I believe yep, I’ve been thru those files a ton of times to make sure that WD, Settings.php and WD-trends-inc.php all show the same date and time format. Could I be missing something? I figure at this point, I must be but I can’t find it.
and I believe testtags is updating properly. not sure how i confirm that though.
Below are my settings.php and WD-trends-inc.php coding.
In WD - Extra/Misc/Custom Screens I have AM/PM (on time) box checked, in Precision/Time/Date/Cloud Height - Date format is Month/Day/Year, Web Page Date Format is set to Month/Day/Year, also have AM/PM box checked.
Settings.php code that I have set -
$SITE[‘tz’] = ‘America/Chicago’; //NOTE: this MUST be set correctly to
// translate UTC times to your LOCAL time for the displays.
// PHP: List of Supported Timezones - Manual has the list of timezone names
// pick the one that is closest to your location and put in $SITE[‘tz’] like:
// $SITE[‘tz’] = ‘America/Los_Angeles’; // or
// $SITE[‘tz’] = ‘Europe/Brussels’;
// note: date format used for PHP parts only. Weather software dates are not processed
// except on the astronomy page
//$SITE[‘timeFormat’] = ‘D, d-M-Y g:ia T’; // Day, 31-Mar-2006 6:35pm Tz (USA Style)
$SITE[‘timeFormat’] = ‘M/d/Y g:ia’; // USA format 03/31/2006 14:03
//$SITE[‘timeFormat’] = ‘d/m/Y H:i’; // Euro format 31/03/2006 14:03
//$SITE[‘timeFormat’] = ‘Y-m-d H:i’; // ISO format 2006-03-31 14:03
$SITE[‘timeOnlyFormat’] = ‘g:ia’; // USA format h:mm[am|pm
//$SITE[‘timeOnlyFormat’] = ‘H:i’; // Euro format hh:mm (hh=00…23);
$SITE[‘dateOnlyFormat’] = ‘M-d-Y’; // for 31-Mar-2008 or ‘j/n/Y’ for Euro format
WD-trends-inc.php code that I have set -
$timeFormat = ‘M-d-Y g:ia’; // 31-Mar-2006 6:35pm
//$timeFormat = ‘d-M-Y H:i’; // 31-Mar-2006 18:35
$timeOnlyFormat = ‘g:ia’; // h:mm[am|pm];
??$timeOnlyFormat = ‘H:i’; // hh:mm
$dateOnlyFormat = ‘M-d-Y’; // d-Mon-YYYY
$WDdateMDY = true; // true=dates by WD are ‘month/day/year’
// // false=dates by WD are ‘day/month/year’
$ourTZ = “PST8PDT”; //NOTE: this MUST be set correctly to
// translate UTC times to your LOCAL time for the displays.