Weather-Display weather data NOT Current

from testtags.php

// Units
// -----
$uomtemp = ‘F’; // = ‘C’, ‘F’, (or ’

“$date = ‘01/27/11’; // current date”

Same as the uploaded version so it is not being updated.

OK, next check that the testtags.txt on the PC did not get overwritten, it should be full of %tags% like $date = ‘%date%’; // current date

Has this ever worked correctly, or is it a new install?

testtags.txt from PC -

// General OR Non Weather Specific/SUN/MOON
// ========================================
$time = ‘%time%’; // current time
$date = ‘%date%’; // current date
$sunrise = ‘%sunrise%’; // sun rise time (make sure you have the correct lat/lon
// in view/sun moon)
$time_minute = ‘%time-minute%’; // Current minute
$time_hour = ‘%time-hour%’; // Current hour
$date_day = ‘%date-day%’; // Current day
$date_month = ‘%date-month%’; // Current month
$date_year = ‘%date-year%’; // Current year
$monthname = ‘%monthname%’; // Current month name
$dayname = ‘%dayname%’; // Current day name

Niko, this is a new install. I use to have a station at my old house but its been a while since I’ve been on. A computer crash, moving to a new house and now a new weather station, so now putting things back together and getting it all up and running.

ah, so, its not like it was working and now suddenly is not
(is been a bit confusing as in your first post you had it you were using a very old version of WD)
check the webfiles location in WD is set correctly (in control panel, webfiles/web page setup)
you can set WD to update the testtags via the customise internet and file creation setup
(make sure the override switch is on there and the main internet switch is on there), and there you set the times to create and times to upload and what files to be converted
via the special file conversion
I do have a series of youtube videos

I setup the custom upload for testtags.php as shown in the video. Afterwards I ftp’d into my webpage backend and could see that the file had a current time stamp on it but when I go to the actual page in my web browser, it still shows the old stuff. I even cleared the browser cache to be sure that wasn’t a problem.

The date time on the webserver will be set by the ftp process, you need the file on the PC side to be updated/current to fix this problem.

In WD, the file creation and upload are set separately in the override page, I would check that the creation part is correct.

The system is creating testtags.php in C:\wdisplay\webfiles\ (it keeps showing an updated creation time stamp on the file) and it is ftping it to but I must have something set wrong as it still is showing the 2011 info that its been showing on the trends page. Also, the status page is still showing that it isn’t updating.

The status page is checking that $date in the file

Look in all the WD directory/subdirectories and check if you have more than one copy of testtags.txt.

Delete/rename the testtags.php on the PC and server and let fresh ones be created.

ok, found that I have a testtags.txt in c:/wdisplay and c:/wdisplay/webfiles/ I changed the name of the on in c:/wdisplay/ I also changed the name of testtags.php on the server so as to get a fresh testtags.

nothing changed on the website.

I then went to every location (on pc and in wd) and changed the date format from m/d/y to d/m/y and made every place 24 hours and not am/pm. still no change.

I don’t know why you changed the date format :? What it has done is make the clientraw look bad on the status page

Does the testtags.txt in c:/wdisplay/webfiles/ have %tags% in it?

Sorry, thought maybe if i switched it over, it might line everything up if I had missed something. I had already set it all back to m/d/y when it didn’t fix anything…won’t do that again.

on the status page, this =>Weather-Display weather data NOT Current 50834:44:06 > 0:05:15
Jan/27/2011 12:50pm, has always said that.

Testtags.txt does not have %tags%, it looks like this:
$uomtemp = ‘F’; // = ‘C’, ‘F’, (or ’

Bingo! That’s a problem :smiley: So you need to replace that testtags.txt with the other one that does have the %tags%.

That fixed it! thanks for working with me on that.

Excellent, status page showing all green now :slight_smile:

If I can add on here rather than a new post.

I use a Holman Wifi Analyst station, and have it working on WU as well as via Weather Display

In weather display, I see a possible time value discrepency, and don’t know where to adjust?

The photo attached shows"Maximum Gust Today as 13kph at 4.09pm"…however the time is actually 3.09PM locally. The same problem occurs in the maximum teperature area, showing as 30.2c, however the max today on my device and on WU is 22.2c so far.

Can someone describe to me how to get these areas to display correctly?

In my settings of weather display/universal, I have the bullet set to use AUS day of 9AM option

Thank you.

Welcome to the Forum :grinning:

I can see that time of Max Gust Last Hour is a bit confusing, too. . . I have no real idea but it might be worth checking a few things.

I don’t think there is a time zone setting in WD, just a warning to check the WD computer time zone.

There is a place to enter lat and long: note that WD uses astronomical lat/long so longitude E is entered as negative.

Finally, you may have set WD to use the Aus day but I don’t think you set the rain reset to be at 09:00 as well: there seems to be a separate setting for this.

If none of these checks work, and no-one else chimes in, you may have to contact the author direct at [email protected]

Thanks…I do think I have my setup correctly done, but obviously it is not.

My data on WU and my personal station does not show that that 30.2c reading for the whole month of March, every day for March is under that reading.

I have emailed a few queries to the owner previously, and feel I may be annoying to do so again.

Thanks for your help.

Here are some of the setup screens

Sorry. . . :confused:

Brian gets a lot of e-mail. . . but you bought the software so you should get an answer.

The hour difference sounds like there’s a problem with time zone or DST settings somewhere. There are three places - station, WU and the PC that’s running WD that all need to have the same time zone and DST setting.

Is the maximum temperature always 8C higher than the actual maximum? If so, I think there’s a temperature offset somewhere that allows you to fix errors where a device always reads low or high. That may have become enabled somehow and it’s incorrectly changing the value.

Thanks for the replies…cheers, all confusing.

It reset at 9AM as shown, but the data on weather display simply doesn’t match to yesterdays rain and temperature, as seen on the screenshot.

WU and my own station reporting are spot on, only weather display has different.