Weather Display is not pulling rain data from Tempest.

:frowning: Must postpone further testing of this aspect till my Tempest (as data source) reliably revives:
present wintery darkness causes erratic sensors’ operation due to depleted solar batteries.

That’s a bummer. I’m in Wisconsin and have no issues with that on my older Sky with the add on solar battery…

:frowning: Would like such solar battery available for Tempest.
Have to wait for the promised PowerBooster.

Hello Still having the same problem — tempest and weatherflow still not showing rainfall on weatherdisplay— please help i can see this is a problem for many

After working with Pagerman I suspect there is a setting in WD that is in conflict with rain settings. With Brian out it’s going to be harder to find the culprit.

If you have time could you try using the 2wd.txt to create a minimal WD setup, just enough to get data from the Tempest and see if it records rainfall? This should rule out any left over settings from previous installs or mis-configured entries in WD. describes how to do this. This is non-invasive and will not alter your current data.

Getting rain data now. I guess you do have to wait for rain after making changes.
We should get more rain over the next few days. I’ll keep checking in on here.

It is pulling rain data now.
Thank you everyone.
I attached my setup screen as well.

Great news, glad it’s working.

Were you able to try the method I suggested?

i have 4 versions of weatherdisplay on 4 separate computers — have 3 of them working – pulling rain data – however the fourth computer – using weatherflow isnt working properly . It appears at first – weatherflow connected to weatherdisplay is pulling correctly – rain data – then i noticed the daily rain total slowly decreases ---- What up — What did u request me to do

norcal what did u ask

I personally did not. I waited for rain and everything was working.
If it stops working I’ll try that.
Thank you very much for your help and looking at my setup.

Pagerman, I did make one small change to your setup that may have corrected the rain issue. I also enabled the datalogger so it should import missed data from the tempest hub.

Elsewhere in this forum saw recent hint by Brian that in ControlPanel/Datalogger the switch for Weatherflow must be On.
Have done, and now all data being read from CronWeatherflow!