Warning to all PWS_Dashboard users from the USA

If you are using the dashboard
Selected in Easyweathersetup to use NWS weather-warnings

=> update your pwsWD/nws-alerts script as @ktrue updated the scripts for the new API calls.

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12 posts were split to a new topic: Problems updating nws-alerts inside PWS_Dashboard

I compared all nws-alerts scripts in use in PWS_Dashboard-2012_lts with the github version of @ktrue (Ken True / Saratoga) who is maintaining and enhancing those “Curly” scripts.

The changed four scripts are downloadable in the " Updates released after 2023-10-31" page
And here also: adapted_nws_alerts240218.zip (167.8 KB)

Hope this helps when you have no alerts showing.
Be aware that there are numerous changes in zones/country codes.
Check the codes in the new nws-all-zones-inc.php script with your settings in


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