Updated Detail, Summary, and Temperature, Rain, Wind Records scripts

I have made updates to the rain, wind, snow, & temperature detail and summary scripts. The Temperature, Rain, & Wind records script has also been updated.

The update to these nine scripts allows you the option to include the current day’s info in addition to the data from the dailynoaareport and/or climatedataout files.

Set $show_today to true if you want to include the current days values which will be obtained from tags in your testtags.php file.

A change to the wxraintempwindrecords.css file was also made.

The files can be downloaded at http://weather.wildwoodnaturist.com/downloads.php

Examples are at:

Hi Murray

I got the updated scripts running. It looks great and many thanks. I was wondering where you got the “USA Extremes Yesterday” in your sidebar I searched with no luck.
Thanks again for the great scripts.

Andy G

I noticed your time of next update is not displaying properly on the scripts. You may want to verify that the $timeofnextupdate
tag is in your testtags.php file and is updating correctly. Or comment it out of the script.

I was wondering where you got the "USA Extremes Yesterday" in your sidebar I searched with no luck.
I got the USA Extremes script from Michael Holden of Relay Weather. His userid on this forum is mth.

I had the same issue on my site and ended up adding this to my testtags.txt:

$timeofnextupdate = '%timeofnextupdate%'; // Time of next Update/Upload of the weather data to your web page
if ($timeofnextupdate=='---') {
   $updtime = mktime($time_hour,$time_minute+5);
   $timeofnextupdate = date("H:i",$updtime);

I may end up just replacing it with “Updates every 5 minutes.”

Btw, nice updates to the scripts! :smiley:

Thanks Murray

I commented that out untill I figure out why its not updating I have “Show the time of next update” ticked. I wiil have to look in to it later running out of time for now


See http://discourse.weather-watch.com/t/31744 for details of the timeofnextupdate issue, short version = it depends on some other settings.

I saw that also.

Great job on the scripts Murry

I just added that to my testags and its all a little (alot) over my head :?

I have updated the scripts to remove the $timeofnextupdate as it is not accurate if you upload the testtags.php on a different schedule than the default webpage.

Thank you Murry. Always improving on already great scripts.


I have updated your scripts and all have thrown back a blank screen on my site?
Before I updated, the scripts where running perfectly? Was using the latest releases apart from wxraintempwindrecords and the JP graphs.

All the 9 scripts have this problem and I have reverted back to the previous releases and are working normally.

As snow detail/summary is not important right now, I’ll set you an example of what is happening until I go back also to last release.



Any ideas,


Try setting the $show_today to false. It should then work the same as the previous version.
You can also try setting the $showGizmo to false to see if that makes a difference.

When I tried to validate your problem pages, the W3C validator keep displaying the following:

Sorry! This document can not be checked.

I got the following unexpected response when trying to retrieve http://www.irlweather.com/wxsnowdetail.php:

500 Internal Server Error</blockquote>

Hi Murry,

I set $showGizmo to false and it works fine. I use the World template btw.


These are great scripts, but I’m having a problem.

I am trying to get the jpgraphs to work but get lots of errors in wxnoaacsvdata.php.

You can see here: http://www.wrightwoodweather.com/wxnoaawind.php

Any recommendations?


This has nothing to do with the scripts in this topic. This should have been posted to this topic: JpGraphs for dailynoaareport data

One of the error messages that is being displayed is “Warning: fopen(./cache/noaadata.csv) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /virtual/users/e16736-18103/web/wxnoaacsvdata.php on line 248”.

It looks like you need to correct the path to the noaadata.csv file. There is a noaadata.csv file in the root directory but not in the /cache/ directory. And be sure the noaadata.csv has permissions to be writeable.

Looks good, I’ll give it a try.

I had the older scripts but updated with the new. I also installed the Snow script, I hope to start recording Snow this winter. They look really GOOD. Thanks for the Great Scripts!! :smiley:


Hi Murry,

Started working on your very neat scripts today. No problem getting them running (so far), but I am having trouble getting the dailynoaareport*.htm and climatedataout*.html files downloaded (have not needed them up to this point). Actually, I did get one copy of dailynoaareport*.htm up to the server, but it’s for Oct only. Just started with WD on 1 Sep and am unable to get those files uploaded. A quick runthrough, or direction to an appropriate topic, would be most appreciated.


Hmmm, I just checked my page and data is displayed for today, my dailynoaareport only shows data through the 4th. I’ll check iy out afyer I get home…