Updated Detail, Summary, and Temperature, Rain, Wind Records scripts

The current month file is named dailynoaareport.htm

Other months are named dailynoaareportMMYYYY.htm. Note that the months are not padded so that Jan would simply be like dailynoaareport12009.htm with no zero padding for the month.

To recreate use View → Avg Ext/Noaa Reports → 2nd Tab for Noaa Style Reports.

Select which date you want to recreate in the Select Date to Calculate Field.

Click the update dailynoaareport.htm button. If it is not for the current month, you will need to rename it (outside of WD) to the correct month/year.

To recreate the climatedataout files is similar. Select the Detail Climate Report instead. You will not need to rename the climatedataout files as they are saved with the appropriate month/year.

If my memory is correct, to upload the dailynoaareport and climatedataout files select Control Panel ->FTP & Connections ->Web Files Upload Times and Av/Ext. Check the do daily uploads of averages/extremes and in the boxes below set the time to be uploaded - normally a few minutes after midnight.

Thanks, now that I’m awake I reamember reading that. I like the idea of current data, good idea… :smiley: Love the script…

Excellent description, Murry. Suspect even I can follow that. :wink:

Thanks very much!


Here in Canada, the rain mesurement is in mm not in cm. So is there a way to change the cm to mm in the rain detail ?


Just set the $rain_units = “mm”;

It is basically just a label to be used at the bottom of the report to indicate what units the rainfall is measured in.

Hi All,

I must have something set wrong in my snow summary and snow detail pages. It looks like the report in converting the snow amounts from IN to CM. Has anyone else seen this?



http://www.johnsnhweather.com/wxsnowdetail.php?year=2011 The total snow for Oct. was 3.4 inches.

The script simply displays what data is in the climatedataoutxxx.html files. According to your climatedataout file at:
http://www.johnsnhweather.com/climatedataout102010.html , you only had 1.34 inches in October.

Hi Murry,

Something must be messed up in WD. $snowseasonin; is showing the correct amount.

Thanks for the great reports.


Looking forward to recording snow.

Hi All,

The problem is fixed in the WD Nov. reports, must have been fixed in the latest version. I adjusted the data for Oct and all is well at johnsnhweather. It’s SNOWING!! :slight_smile:



Hi Murry,

Have you ever thought of developing a snow version of wxraintempwindrecords.php for the snow season. It sure would by nice to have a report like that.



I should have a snowbird special edition by the end of the week. :lol:

Thanks Murry, John :smiley:

Hi Murry

Thank you very much for the update - they are soooo cool.

I have tried installing the jpgraph script - but have run into problems:


Im not sure what is the problem.

Best regards,


It looks like the script is unable to find the noaadata.csv file.

Warning: fopen(/www/home/silkeborg-vejret.dk/scripts/noaagrafer/cache//www/home/silkeborg-vejret.dk/scripts/noaagrafer/noaadata.csv) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/www/silkeborg-vejret.dk/scripts/noaagrafer/wxnoaacsvdata.php on line 248

Make sure you have the $cache_location set to wherever you have the noaadata.csv file.

Hi Murry

Thanks for your quick reply. I got it working - but only one graph at a time. I have tried this:

<?php include ("scripts/noaagrafer/wxnoaatemps.php"); include ("scripts/noaagrafer/wxnoaarain.php"); include ("scripts/noaagrafer/wxnoaawind.php"); ?>

But only the first temp graph is presented…

Is it possible to insert all 3 graphs in the same page?

Best regards,


Don’t use include statements. Try something like the following.

<img src="wxnoaatemps.php" alt="Temperature Graph" ></img>

<img src="wxnoaarain.php" alt="Rain Graph" ></img>
<img src="wxnoaawind.php" alt="Wind Graph" ></img>

Hi again Murry

Thank you very much for your help - I got it working now:

Is it possible to change the graphs to use Metric? The graphs seems too high :smiley:

Best regards,


Hey Henrik

You need to go Imperial scales until Murry figures this one out. Otherwise visitors on your site will think you station is in the Himalayas. :lol:


The noaadata.csv file you are using is the sample one with my readings. Make sure it is writeable. Once it is writeable, force an update by adding “?force=1” at the end of graph url.