The sun moon image shows the times but the pictures are missing.
Any ideas?
Version 10.20B
can you see sunmoon images, sunriset images under input daily weather?
Yes I see images under Input Daily Weather
The uploads and WDLive have been working better for the last few hours. However the sunmoonimage is still giving trouble as are the moondetails1&2.
I set sunmoonimage to update every hour so I could watch it tonight. Attached are two succssive shots at 9 PM and 10 PM - both are missing the icons. Note the time displayed in the images at 9 and 10 PM. The date/time stamp on my ISP/SERVER matched so I know the file was uploaded.
Moondetails1/2 are not appearing on the main html file, at least not at 9 and 10 PM. They have appeared before (and will again I am sure). I am attaching a shot of that image that was uploaded showing the time as 9:00:56. This image and moondetail2 was uploaded - it did NOT appear in the main html page.
Thanks for your assistance.
Version 10.20B Davis Vantage Pro 2
that sunmoonimage is a jpg image…
I wonder if your problem would disappear if i had an option to have it as a gif image, as all the other images are gif images…
what is the url to your web site?
when you add the html code to show the extra moon details, add it to the file datahtm3.txt
if you add it to datahtm2.txt, then wd will overwrite that file, unless you tick, let me manage the datahtm2.txt file, in the web page/webfiles/real time ftp setup
and also if you use the custom web page facility (set the times to create and upload in the customise internet and file creation, and the examples custom web page files inluded with the download, the ones with the custom tags, then you have complete control over your web page (name it as wxlocal.html, and in the customise internet and file creation setup, you can set a remote file name for that custom page
up to 40 custom pages can be converted by wd (wxlocal2.html, etc)
My URL shows the sunmoonimage without the icons. Since I re-did the custom internet times it has updated once an hour just as I set it. However all are missing the icons. I earlier attached the images for 9 and 10 PM. Now I am attaching the midnight image-- still missing icons.
You have asked me several times about where I added the code for moondetail1 and moondetail2. I have NEVER added it to any pages. Sometimes they appear in the standard html page, othertimes not. The standard WD generated page is at
At midnight they were showing. At 11 PM they were missing. Moondetail1 is attached to show the time
ah, interesting about the moondetail showing then not showing…
I will check that…
but you can keep it showing by adding the html code to say the webfiles file datahtm3.txt
now, in 10.20f, ready soon, in the sun moon rise/set time setup, tick, use gif for sunmoonimage
that hopefully will fix the disappearing icons…
your missing dir plot image too…that is a bitmap (.bmp file)
and the missing icons are jpg images on the form
there seems to me something about your windows setup and your graphics card and driver that is not right
(and this is a rare occurence that you are reporting)
Hey Brian
I will try version F tomorrow.
You said
you can keep it showing by adding the html code to say the webfiles file datahtm3.txt
Do I just add an tag to datahtm3? Where/how does it get merged into main html?
My windows setup was a format of hard drive,fresh install of Win98 then upgraded to WIn98 SE then installation of WD and WDLive. The video card is NVIDIA.
I appreciate the time you spent chasing this- esp if it turns out to be my hardware.
I just checked the 1 AM results. This time the moondetails are showing - icons in sunmoonimage still missing. I won’t bother taking bandwidth to attach the files this time.
Version 10.20B Vantage Pro 2
1. Do I just add an tag to datahtm3? Where/how does it get merged into main html?
wd auto does that for you
you can add what ever html code you have to the datahtm3.txt file, and even the datahtm0.txt (header) file
(and even the datahtm2.txt, but you have to tick that you are going to control that file)
I have updated to 10.20M and still am having problems with the sunmoonimage I tried using the gif format. The icons are still missing from sunmoonimage most of the time. Occasionally the icons appear.
wierd is all i can say, as those images are there on the form, and are not loaded up or anything
now, when you view this window in WD, do they appear then?
maybe what i need to do is add a delay to the capture to image…
Could this issue have anything to do with the FTP transfer stopping (time out)?
Does this occur at specific times?
What does the ftplogfull.txt show?
Brian and CaptDilli,
Yes I can see the images from within WD. No errors in the FTP Log. I have sunmoonimage set to be created and uploaded every hour in the custom internet file creation/upload.
I have gif checked in the sun/moon rise/set dialog.
what I will do then is add a delay…before the form is capture…that might do the trick
Is the gif file on the PC bad, or just the file on the website?
You can tell if you just look in the wdisplay\webfiles directory and click on the .gif, do you see the icons then?
i have an idea i am going to try
will upload a new zip version now for you to try
and i will let you know when its ready
might just work
try a new 10.20m zip from here now:
if not there, then download the zip like normal
I will get the zip file and try it. I normally download the full file not the zip.
I have an important clue as to what is going on. Both gif and jpg versions are being created.
I am attaching 2 images. ALl 4 are from the webfiles folder, not what is on my web site.
The first was created/uploaded at 8 PM as it should have been based on my custom settings. Both the gif and jpg are missing the icons.
I then went to Setup-Control Panel-SUn/Moon/Lat/Long and clicked on Produce Web Image Now. I did this at 15 minutes after the first two were created/uploaded. Both jpg and gif HAVE the icons.
I am only attaching 2 files cause I am getting timed out sending all 4. Both 8 PM Versions are missing icons. Both 8:17PM images have the icons! Go figure/??
i think a new zip download will fix this