SunMoon Image Incomplete

Is the zip file just the exe? Just unzip and copy over the old exe?

I downloaded the zip and extracted WeatherD.exe. Right click-properties tells me it sversion 10.20B.

By the way, at 9 PM the file uploaded again and was missing the icons.



ignore the properities, on right mouse click , i have not udpated
yes, unzip to where you have wd installed (when wd is not running)
the other solution is to set a time to create and upload when nothing else is being created or uploaded then maybe

I copied the exe then restarted and waited for the 10 PM hourly update and VOILA EUREKA the icons are appearing in the gif image!!! Fantastic!

I continue to be amazed at what your program will do!

Thanks so much. What was the fix?

Happy Holidays - take some time off for family - I know I am


forced them to show just before grabbing the image (although there is no where in the program where i set them not visible)
and do a application.processmessages to let the program catch up (its a good idea)
and thats done the trick by the looks

so good news



The image generated at midnight last night was again missing the icons. And at 12:19 AM WD crashed with an Invalid Page Fault in Module WeatherD.exe


All during the day today, WD generated sunmoonimage every hour. Until 5 PM the icons were missing. The 6 PM update had the icons.


i am clueless
sun moon rise set times only change a couple of times day, so hourly updating is a bit of a waste if you ask me

at the moment this is the only person i have with this issue, but i have seen reports a long time ago about it

Is that original W98, and how much memory do you have in the PC?


I am updating it every hour so I can observe what happens.

Nikoshepherd it is WIn98 SE and 192 MB RAM. It is an old Pentium 2 --450 mHz machine I had lying around. I formatted the drive and installed Windows98SE then applied any patches from Microsoft.

If I go to Setup-ControlPanel-SunMoon and click update web file teh icons are always there. If I let WD update hourly icons are sometimes present and sometimes not present (more often NOT )

Thanks for your help.

I sometimes had similar problems when I had a slow upload with satellite -

Just something to try…set your FTP properties to passive mode to see if it makes a difference.

the problem occurs with the image on the PC, and not just the image on the web, so its not a ftp issue 8O

Just weird :?

I just checked and the sunmoonimage has not been uploaded for the last 3 hours. I did not see it in the FTP log. I verified teh settings in the custom internet create/upload and sunmoonimage was in fact set for hourly creation and hourly upload.

In the program error log I found the following:

Cannot create file C:\WDISPLAY2\webfiles\summary.gif
Cannot create file C:\WDISPLAY2\webfiles\tempdial.gif
Cannot create file C:\WDISPLAY2\webfiles\directiondial.gif
ERROR: External exception 80000004 at time/date 8:50:58 PM 12/16/04
Cannot create file C:\WDISPLAY2\webfiles\dailyhighlowbaroetc.gif
ERROR: Access violation at address 00403234 in module ‘WEATHERD.EXE’. Read of address 4F8C383C at time/date 9:13:59 PM 12/16/04
ERROR: Access violation at address 00403234 in module ‘WEATHERD.EXE’. Read of address 4F8C383C at time/date 9:13:59 PM 12/16/04
ERROR: Access violation at address 00403234 in module ‘WEATHERD.EXE’. Read of address 4F8C383C at time/date 9:13:59 PM 12/16/04
ERROR: Access violation at address 00403234 in module ‘WEATHERD.EXE’. Read of address 5AE7D563 at time/date 9:15:58 PM 12/16/04
ERROR: Access violation at address 00403234 in module ‘WEATHERD.EXE’. Read of address 7761DD2F at time/date 9:20:59 PM 12/16/04
ERROR: Access violation at address 00403234 in module ‘WEATHERD.EXE’. Read of address 7761DD2F at time/date 9:20:59 PM 12/16/04
Cannot create file C:\WDISPLAY2\webfiles\raindetail.gif
ERROR: Access violation at address 00000013. Write of address 8DB74250 at time/date 9:55:58 PM 12/16/04
Cannot create file C:\WDISPLAY2\webfiles\dailyhighlowbaroetc.gif
Cannot create file C:\WDISPLAY2\webfiles\trends.gif
Cannot create file C:\WDISPLAY2\webfiles\curr24hourgraph.gif
Cannot create file C:\WDISPLAY2\webfiles\curr48hourgraph.gif
Cannot create file C:\WDISPLAY2\webfiles\gizmo.gif
Cannot create file C:\WDISPLAY2\webfiles\summary.gif
Cannot create file C:\WDISPLAY2\webfiles\dailyhighlowbaroetc.gif
Cannot create file C:\WDISPLAY2\webfiles\dailyhighlowbaroetc.gif
Cannot create file C:\WDISPLAY2\webfiles\dailyhighlowbaroetc.gif

Earlier I got the following errors that crashed WD

  1. Exception EInOutError in module WeatherD.EXE I/O error #103
  2. Runtime Error 21t

I am wondering is I have some flaky memory chip?

I agree - very wierd.

the cannot create errors are not a problem,…that happens when the ftp program is uploading the file and wd is recreating the file

the access violation errors are memory errors…
it could be an array going out of range
try running the beta debug verison,and it should trap where that error is (it produces a euraka log crash report)

Now WD is crashing with invalid page fault every 30-60 miniutes

I think a remove/reinstall is in order

How do I remove COMPLETELY?

How do I preserve the existing data?


install to a new directory
then create a file there called 2wd.txt (make sure its not 2wd.txt.txt)
then start wd there (it should start up like brand new)
and set up the basics, to see how it goes
then latest, copy across the datafiles and logfiles from the old installation (when wd is not running)
and then see how it goes

If you want to test memory download memtest86 it creates a self booting diskette and does a very thorough test.

I tried running the beta debug version. It is crashing at least twice a day with Error 103.

Is there an error log generated by the beta debug version I can send you?


the beta version should have a euraka log come up, and you click on more details

an i/o errors is a file error

Here are some examples from the Eureka

EurekaLog 4.5.5


1.1 Start Date : Sat, 18 Dec 2004 11:08:55 -0500
1.2 Name/Description: Weather Display
1.3 Version Number :
1.4 Parameters :


2.1 Date : Sat, 18 Dec 2004 19:02:03 -0500
2.2 Address: 00A392E8
2.3 Module : WEATHERD.EXE
2.4 Type : EInOutError
2.5 Message: I/O error 103.

Active Controls:

3.1 Form Class : WindowsScreenSaverClass
3.2 Form Text : Screen Saver
3.3 Control Class:
3.4 Control Text :


4.1 Name : WEATHER
4.2 User : Weather
4.3 Total Memory: 191 Mb
4.4 Free Memory : 5 Mb
4.5 Total Disk : 9.49 Gb
4.6 Free Disk : 8.61 Gb

Operating System:

5.1 Type : Microsoft Windows 98 SE
5.2 Build # : 2222
5.3 Update : A
5.4 Language: English (United States)

EurekaLog 4.5.5


1.1 Start Date : Sun, 19 Dec 2004 00:38:17 -0500
1.2 Name/Description: Weather Display
1.3 Version Number :
1.4 Parameters :


2.1 Date : Sun, 19 Dec 2004 00:41:08 -0500
2.2 Address: 0045729E
2.3 Module : WEATHERD.EXE
2.4 Type : EAccessViolation
2.5 Message: Access violation at address 0045729E in module ‘WEATHERD.EXE’. Read of address FFFFFFFF.

Active Controls:

3.1 Form Class : TMainForm
3.2 Form Text : Weather Display - Ver 10.20d - Registered -DAVIS Vantage Pro
3.3 Control Class: TAbGearDial
3.4 Control Text :


4.1 Name : WEATHER
4.2 User : Weather
4.3 Total Memory: 191 Mb
4.4 Free Memory : 22 Mb
4.5 Total Disk : 9.49 Gb
4.6 Free Disk : 8.62 Gb

Operating System:

5.1 Type : Microsoft Windows 98 SE
5.2 Build # : 2222
5.3 Update : A
5.4 Language: English (United States)

EurekaLog 4.5.5


1.1 Start Date : Sun, 19 Dec 2004 00:42:17 -0500
1.2 Name/Description: Weather Display
1.3 Version Number :
1.4 Parameters :


2.1 Date : Sun, 19 Dec 2004 00:48:03 -0500
2.2 Address: 00A392E8
2.3 Module : WEATHERD.EXE
2.4 Type : EInOutError
2.5 Message: I/O error 103.

Active Controls:

3.1 Form Class : TMainForm
3.2 Form Text : Weather Display - Ver 10.20d - Registered -DAVIS Vantage Pro E,0.0 mph,36.5