Software native RS-232

(Sorry for my English, it is a translator)
Looking for a software native RS-232 can create graphics.
Thank you

Can you try that en fran

Je cherche un logiciel afin de faire fonctionner un capteur de hauteur de neige en RS-232 natif.


Merci :slight_smile:

Serge is looking for software for a snow depth sensor which has an RS-232 output, and it should generate graphs/charts.

@Serge: Please tell us the make and model of the sensor (marque et le mod

Voici le capteur que je veux utiliser :

Je ne veux pas passer par Hobby Board qui n’existe plus, je d

I see that the Maxbotix ultrasonic sensors are available with RS232 output. You can find many programs for collecting and storing RS232 data, for example from Windmill. But if you use a program to collect the data from the sensor I don’t know any way to pass that data into WD. I think you will have to ask Brian to add this facility to WD directly.

Merci, je vais demander

I have added initial support to get the raw data (I sent you a PM)

Bonsoir Brian,
Je n’ai rien comme relev



what shows under view, debug info, after you click on connect

J’ai contr


Please tell us which Maxbotix you have:

MB7334 or MB7354 or MB7364


I see you must have set to log the raw data
under setup, advanced/misc
untick that
so as to not confuse things

Bonjour Niko,

Capteur MB7354

Merci Niko,
Je vais contr


try a new .zip update of WD re the raw data showing under view, debug info, in WD

J’ai install