The previous “Snow Input” thread is now closed although it was only a few days old, so I had to start another.
The Snow Input under “Input Daily Weather” has two boxes. The left hand box will give an input of .394 in for each 1 cm intered which is correct. My questioned is with the input box on the right. From the heading over the box, it should register .1 cm or .0394 in of snow. This would make it possible to inter factional inches of snow. Unfortunately, when I try to input a factional cm, it will only register a full cm making it impossible to enter 1 1/4 in (for example) of snow. Am I thinking wrong on the use of this box, or is there a problem?
Also, are both of the input boxes suppose to add together when the “Update month/year” box is pressed because mine do not?
Thanks for any help.
is this with the new beta verison, where i have allowed you to enter the snow amount in inches in the new boxes on the right?
The previous "Snow Input" thread is now closed although it was only a few days old, so I had to start another.
I think that some threads are getting “closed” much too soon. They should be staying open for at least a week after the last post, if not two or three.
Just my $.02.
its not me doing any of that
its wetbulb
maybe send him a message with your concerns
(i do agree wtih you)
Hi Brian
I am using v 9.97h Dec 3 at 02:13.
Now I am confused as to the boxes. The boxes I was referring too, are in the left half of the “Input Daily Weather” screen in a outlined box called “Snow Input”. Actually there are two pair of boxes for a total of 4. One pair has 1 CM over it and the other has 0.1 CM. Directly to the right of the two pair is “Today’s Snow Depth”. I hope that is a little clearer.
there is a button to click to total up for the month/season (i.e add the daily total to the month/season)
in the beta verison, you can enter in the amount in inches directly
i only have it,at this stage, where you can set the daily total to more accuracy/resoltuon, but not the month/year
i will increase the resolution of the others when i get a chance
( i was at a kids xmas party at the beach today)
Good question alf.
This is from 9.97H.
0.1 cm should be .0394"
Expecting snow tomorrow and Saturday.
Will download beta version and give it a try.
WOW an Xmas party at the beach. I forgot it is almost summer in your part of the world.
a very summers day here today
ok, yes, it looks like its not adding on the decimal fraction
i will look into that
Sorry Brian, but I can only enter whole numbers in the input boxes. Whole numbers like 1, 2 or 3. I can not enter numbers like 1.25 or 2.1. As soon as I enter a whole number, an inch equalian appears in the box to the left. When I add the period [.] the box displays zeros. We just got our first good snow fall and I thought it would be nice to record it. I can not directly enter anything in the month or year boxes.Thanks anyway, you have answered my questions. The other aspects of the program are working just fine. Thanks for sticking with it.
Here is a link to the sonar snow depth sensor that aardvark mentioned in the archived snow thread:
It appears you have to call for a price but it does say “inexpensive” :?
For tomorrow I’ll use my trusty 12" ruler.
Here is another site…
$500 :shocked!:
for the sensor itself. I think I will also stick to my trusty ruler.
I emailed the Novalynx Corp and received the following prices. The Model 260-700 Ultrasonic Snow Depth Sensor has a price of $695.00 Delivery is about 1 1/2 weeks right now. Additional signal cable is $1.00 per foot. I will stay with my yard stick which was free.
Sorry Brian, but I can only enter whole numbers in the input boxes. Whole numbers like 1, 2 or 3. I can not enter numbers like 1.25 or 2.1. As soon as I enter a whole number, an inch equalian appears in the box to the left. When I add the period [.] the box displays zeros. We just got our first good snow fall and I thought it would be nice to record it. I can not directly enter anything in the month or year boxes.Thanks anyway, you have answered my questions. The other aspects of the program are working just fine. Thanks for sticking with it.It was the same way early this year (Feb & Mar. '03). Nothing new about the above.
i have fixed the bug with the inches equiv for the decimal place today snow not being 0.03937
i.e i should have divided it by 10
in a new beta verison uploading now
but that should not affect the final cm’s value stored in the log file
Using a Lacrosse 2310.
Quick question snow related. We have about 1-2 inches of snow and sleet. It now says it has rained 28 inches! Must be the snow melting in the rain collector.
How do I go about fixing that total? I tried the offset and said fix total amount by -28 inches and saved/restarted the program. Still has the yearly, monthly, daily total at 28 inches more than it should be.
I think you are going to have to manually enter the daily, month, yearly rain totals. Just enter the values -28 inches in for each individually.
Hmm… I am still wondering why it would be so high. The Lacrosse uses a tipping bucket doesn’t it? So if the snow melted it would still be the same as if it fell as rain.
Maybe when it was sleeting, it came down with so much force, that only a few pellets would make the “tipper” tip. So .001 inches of liquid precepitation in sleet form, would become .01 inches.
with the barometer offset and rainfall /offsets screen
you will need to click on yes, for adjust all by this amount, and then click on yes save settings
you could try entering 28 in the manual input (and have ticked use inches)
or use the slider to select equivalent in mm
thats alot of extra rain
are you sre about that?
Yikes, 60" of rain. I believe one of the wires must have water getting on it. I put another bag around the splice/connector and that seems to have stopped the rain for now.
Now, How do I go about adjusting the logs. I’d like the rain today to be back to 0 and lower the monthly/yearly totals back -60 inches.
I tried using one of the menu’s and even going into the ini file and fixing it, saving, reopen the program and it still finds the 60" total.
I think that you should just enter the actual amount you want to appear! Somewhere,I remember trying to correct readings with minus’s etc and it never came with what I wanted until I entered the above!
Windy, I posted the last before refreshing the screen. I’ll go give that a try now. It appears I fixed the ‘bug’ Some water must have been hitting a sensor or something. 0 rain in the past hour.
Worked fine. Thanks