Snow input

Hi Brian

Updated to the Beta V 98.a and found the boxes where snow can be inputed directly by inches. I noticed that when I plugged in 1.75" in the right hand boxes for “Month’s Snow Depth” and “Season’s Snow Depth”, clicked “Update Monthly/Yearly”, then OK and reopened the screen, the CM boxes on the left showed 44 and the boxes to the extreme left showed 17.323 inches. Also, I noticed that the fractional cm box is now working although the two are still not adding together.
Hope you and yours had a nice beach day. I use to live close [5 minutes]to a beautiful Florida beach, but I rarely visited except when I was studying ecology.

robert, under setup, barometer offset and rainfall, set your month and year rain amounts to what they should be
(use the slider for best results mnaybe (it will give you the inches equivalent when you select it), then click on yes, next to that selection, then click on yes to save the settings

then under view, averages/extreme, correct the data, you can reset the rain for that day (i.e select that day, and change the amount in the box, then click on save changes and update now…
(but back up the log file 122003lg.txt first)

i will improve/fix tomorrow
was at a pantamine with the kids today (jack and the bean stalk)

also, re the snow:
the actual daily snow in cm’s should get logged in the file 122003lg2.txt
and that data should then get plotted on the 3d graph under view,temp wind rain trend
does it?

ah ha
i have found the problem with the snow amount you set each day not appearing in the 122003lg2.txt log file:
its because the time to store that info is now 1 minute past the reset hour, but the time to reset it is on the reset hour…so it gets reset daily auto before it was stored in the file (this was a change I made , but i didnt realise it would affect the snow)…but if you have ticked do not auto claear todays snow, then it would get stored ok, and then graphed ok on the 3D graph.
i will upload this fix and let you know
but otherwise, simplay manaul update the snow totals (cms’), e.g 1.5 will be 1.5cm, for the daily snow totals, in the logfile, 122003lg2.txt, for now :slight_smile: