I have not added this into the config file
here id the file I am usuing
Weather station type=32 // Irox=59,WMR100=232,WMR200=233,WMR300=235,WMR968=8,WMR918=3,WM918=1,Davis VP=31,Davis WMMII=4, WH1081=166,2310=60,WXT510=190,3600=61,Davis IP=32, OWWfile=71,universal=34,102=meteobridge,weatherflow=72,
rainwise cc-2000=20,cc-3000=21, Davis weatherlink.com=35,GW1000=103,WUAPI=104
meteobridge username=
meteobridge IP=
meteobridge password=
Davis com method=2 //1 for serial, 2 for usb data logger
Davis timeout=0
OWW file location=
Davis VP IP port=22222 // Port for Davis VP IP data logger
Davis VP IP address= // IP address " " " " " "
GW1000 IP address=
wh1080 read delay=50
latitude= 37.2 /// latitude, e.g -38.375 for southern hemisphere
longitude= 122.08 /// e.g -175.456 for east of UTC/London
Station name=My station
Start up daily rain(mm)=0.0
Start up monthly rain(mm)=0.0
Start up yearly rain(mm)=0.0
Do wunderground=N //For updating wunderground.com (set to Y for yes, N for no) (every 5 minutes)
Wunderground username=
Wunderground password=
Wunderground timezone=-8 // e.g 12 for 12 hours ahead of GMT, -12 for - 12 hours
timezone= (to change the local PC hour used)offset
Direction offset (whole degrees)=0
Barometer offset(hpa)=0
Comport number (e.g 1)=U //For non USB stations (e.g Davis, OS WMR968), use U for ttyUSB0 (i.e usb to serial)
Comport custom=
Davis com method=2 // 1 for regular 2 for special davis serial read
Revb Davis VP=Y (Y for Yes (new model (default) ) N for No)
Davis rain gauge=2 (1 for 0.1 inch, 2 for 0.01 inch, 3 for 0.2mm)
Do mysql=N //for mysql updates (see the readme for the table structure), every 5 minutes
Mysql username=
Mysql password=
Mysql server=
Mysql databasename=
Mysql tablename=
Mysql metric=Y (set N for oF, inches of rain, inches for baro)
Mysql time=300 (time interval between mysql update in seconds from 60 to 10000 sec)
Do CWOP updates=N //every 10 minutes
CWOP station id=
CWOP ham call sign=-1 // -1 is default (you do not have a Ham call sign)
CWOP Latitude=
CWOP Longitude=
Do clientraw FTP=N //(set to Y for yes, N for no), uploads every 1 minute
wmr200 data read delay=
FTP server=
FTP username=
FTP password=
FTP port=21 //default is 21
FTP remote dir=
FTP use passive=Y //(set to Y for yes, N for no)
FTP use remote file rename= //Write here the remote name: NOTE that not all FTP servers allow remote file rename"
FTP time interval=60 //the interval between two upload of the clientraw.txt and custom file
Save logfile=Y //to save the .txt logfile (set to N to save on disk space)
Logfile metric=N
Create custom file=N //converts the custom tags in a file called wxlocal.html to wx.html
Use this filename instead of wx.html=
Use this filename instead of wx2.html=
Use this filename instead of wx3.html=
Use this filename instead of wx4.html=
Use this filename instead of wx5.html=
FTP the custom file=N //will FTP the wx.html or filename you set to FTP server specified (clientraw FTP needs to be enabled too)
Units for custom tag file output:
Temp in celsius=N
Wind in=kts // options are: mph,kts,kph,m/s (changes the custom tags)
Baro in metric=N
Rain in metric=N
run cron files=Y // set to N to not run the separate cron files
do custom log=N // set to Y to create an appended logfile from a template (customlog.txt)
custom log out=customlogout.txt
temp offset= //C
hum offset=
wmr300 channel number=1
Rain Offset=0.0 //mm
Modified rain gauge=
update WOW= //Y or N
WOW id=
WOW pass=
update PWS= //Y or N
PWS id=
PWS pass=
Do windycom=N //For updating windy.com (set to Y for yes, N for no) (every 5 minutes)
windycom station #=
windycom API key=
create wxnow.txt= //Y or N
update windfinder=
windfinder id=
windfinder pass=
update meteotemplate= //Y or N
meteotemplatefast= //Y for 1 minute updates
meteotemplatefast2= //Y for every 30 seconds updates
Do weathercloud=N
weathercloud ID=
weathercloud KEY=
Send Email=
Send Email hour=
Email user=
Email pass=
Email server=
Email sendto=
Email from=
Email hour=
Email minute=
weatherlink.com DID=
weatherlink.com API=
weatherlink.com USR=
weatherlink.com PASS=
ultimeterrainmetric= /Y or N
ultimeterrain0.1inc= /Y or N 0.1 inch
ultimeterrain10= /Y or N 10x