I have another location which has an Acurite weather sensor. It has the Access unit that will download the information to Weather Underground. You had me set up the PC to read the data from WU and report it on WD. I would like to do that with the Raspberry Pi. I don’t see how to set this up in the config.txt file. There is a place for Login ID and Password, but I don’t see where to tell it what the WU station name is.I assume that the weather station type in the config file WUAPI=104 is to read from WU.
The graphs are still not working. Only straight lines. The left side seems to be working.
re the graphs did you try as a i suggested above? (which works here)
re the WU api station type 104
you set in the config.txt
Wunderground API key=
Wunderground API StationID=
looks like I forgot to add those to the config.txt
i have updated consolewd now and added those missing config settings to the config.txt file
Brian, I am successfully running console WD on my rasp pi 3 and it is collecting my data from my ws2317 station but it is not graphing and I tried the solution of deleting the data files but still it doesn’t graph. I just downloaded the console version and installed it today. Any ideas?
New update - I found the problem was due to the file permissions on the datafiles folder.
I changed owner and group to pi and made the files writeable.
downloaded the updated files and ran the program.
WU gives an error. It says the key is incorrect. I copied it directly from WU.
Here is the output
< date: Sun, 12 Apr 2020 02:32:00 GMT
{ [133 bytes data]
100 133 100 133 0 0 391 0 --:–:-- --:–:-- --:–:-- 391
- Connection #0 to host api.weather.com left intact
{“metadata”:{“transaction_id”:“##############”},“success”:false,“errors”:[{“error”:{“code”:“CDN-0001”,“message”:“Invalid apiKey.”}}]}
updating records to ini file
Here is the info from WU
Country Club Lane
East Troy (Country Club Lane), WI
Online KWIEASTT22 qehy148i PWS
check in the output from consolewd what its sending as the api key is correct
re WDPI and graphs, did you try running it from terminal window, sudo ./wdpi
Here is the output from running the program.
output.txt (1.48 KB)
in another thread someone else reports its working OK
are you sure the api key is entered correctly in the config.txt file?
(what you have shown in the log looks to short?)
check for any spaces at the begining too
My error, the key I put in was the device key, not the API key. when I found the API Key, it now works.
Also i changed the ownership of the logfile and datafile from root to pi and now the wdpi shows the right graph info.
Thanks for the help.
good news
and as Wim would say
I now have the pi reading from WU and sending files to my website. It sends cliendraw.txt, clientrawextra.txt, customclientraw.txt, clientrawhour.txt.
My website has been created by the PC version of WD. This PC version of WD sends more files to the website including an html file of the data.
How do I get the data to display in the html window of the website?
consolewd can process custom tags e.g in a wxlocal.html file and you can set the remote file . e.g testtags.html
if that is what is needed
what is the url?
The url of the website is http://www.odonnells.net/weather/easttroy/easttroy.htm
the second one is Las Cumbres Weather
Bother were running on the PC Version of WD. I would like to move them to the Raspberry Pi. I am always having problems with the PC version as Microsoft updates them and the WD stops working.
Can you not compile the WD to run on the ARM processor of the Raspberry Pi? It is a cheap and stable system and runs on Linux.
I think Brian said it in another thread…the compiler he uses for the RPi is a different one than he uses for full WD on other platforms. The ‘full WD’ compiler won’t compile for the ARM (RPi) CPU environment and the ARM compiler used for consolewd doesn’t have all the libraries required to provide full WD functionality.
there have been more than 160 Billion ARM processors shipped. There are many compilers for the ARM. The most complete is the one from ARM. But there are ones from Keil, GNU and many more.
Apple uses the ARM in its iPhones, iPads, Android phones use ARM most TVs use ARM. It is everywhere.
I was the first President of ARM, Inc.
I’m sure that there is a complier that will work.
What language and what libraries are needed?
There are indeed huge numbers of ARM chips out there and thanks to you and others their use continues to grow. Brian has been able to compile consolewd on ARM but I think it’s more that the libraries that he needs are missing for ARM. We’d have to wait to hear from Brian about the specifics though. I know for example though that he has to use a different sun/moon calculation library on ARM becase the one he uses in full WD isn’t available for the ARM architecture. The ARM version give different results (I think incorrect results in some cases) but if it’s all that’s available then I’m not sure what else he can do other than try to write all of the code for himself (or find libaries that are provided with source code).
yes, different compilers used
Chris, was it that the day is out by 1 re consolewd and the moon age?
Are there any instructions for using the wxlocal files? How about examples?
Is there a way to use the PC version which I am using now to create this file?
I’m not sure why this is a .txt file → test but it explains how to create a wxlocal.html file. It’s just basically your own HTML (or PHP) where you include Weather Display tags (%variable%) that are replaced by the actual value each time WD or consolewd converts wxlocal.html into wx.html. The file is converted on a schedule and you can then upload it to your web site. Use your favourite HTML edit to create the file. That’s the way it’s done in full WD.
These days I suspect more people upload the clientraw.txt files to their web server and use FreshWDL or one of the other web site templates that have been created. FreshWDL can be configured to work directly on the Raspberry Pi - HOWTO: Install FreshWDL on your Weather Raspberry Pi . I suspect some of the other templates could also be made to work on the Pi but I’ve not tried that yet.
not all the custom tags are supported via consolewd as WD version though
( I guess I should create a list just for consolewd)
but the main ones to drive e.g sarotoga template will work