I have mentioned this problem before, and as it appears to be ongoing, I raise it again.
AS can be seen in attached screen shot, rainfall for 1st of August is shown as a dashed line, rainfall for 2nd of month is shown as 9.0 mm, which in actual fact is the actual rainfall for 1st of the month (?).
Rainfall for the 2nd of month is 1.6 mm as shown in the “rain to Date” window, which also shows that rain for the 1st is correct 9.0 mm. Note that the number of days of rain is also shown as “1”, which is the same as indicated on “detailed Rain chart”.
I have tried to correct the daily totals via the “Edit Rain Totals” option in the “Detailed Rain Chart” window without success on several attempts .
It appears that this option does not work at all … ???
There has been no change to my setup and all windows 10 updates are current - last WD update was WD update 5 July.
This mornings check of data / “Detailed Rain Chart” now has 9.0 mm in rainfall for BOTH 1st and 2nd of month, and 1.6 mm for the 3rd…
This SHOULD read 9.0 / 1.6 / 0.0 mm for days 1,2 & 3.
Again I cannot correct any of the rainfall day/ amounts.
AS 9 am local time is used by WMO to record rainfall for 24 hr period as Standard time for comparison, (New Zealand as part of WMO, also uses this time period), I do not understand why there is such a problem with getting the data correct. ??
many weather enthusists here in NZ do not use 9am reset, but instead midnight reset, like the reset of the planet,
as it just make so much more sense
its also a lot easier to deal with in a computer program, as it lines up with a change in the day
the australian 9am reset and how it can occur on different months is not actually easy to deal with at all
its easy for you to day I do not understand why its so difficult
but if you could .zip and email me the month data file I will have a look at what I can do
via emails, the problem turns out to be missing data, for what ever reason
(and so WD cant correct data that is non existant)
I do recommend to back up your data when you try to edit it in WD in case something goes wrong
but WD does create a back up logfile, when you edit the rain : e,g
I am completely confused by this WD program and its relationship to how it records rainfall data, and ability to correct it. I have been in contact with Brian, sending copies of the WD rainfall ‘Detailed Rain Chart’ with errors where the recorded rain on a day (or “0.0” ) appears, then when viewed on a later date, it has all disappeared and display shows “----”.
I have attached three screen shots, one of the current DRC as of 25/9, one of DRC as of 18/9, and a copy of my Excel spreadsheet ( manual reading rain gauge ) — ALL showing the rainfall for the Aug / Sept period to date
As you can see in the Excel spreadsheet, rainfall is recorded on similar dates, with varying gaps between readings.
On the DRC shot of the 18th, rainfall that WAS PREVIOUSLY recorded on correct days, has for first 9 days, disappeared and been replaced with “----”, attempts to correct this successfully have all failed…
When I looked at the DRC this morning ( 25/9 ), you can see that the rainfall for September has been Replaced by August figures, with the exception of the 1st of Sept. ( I was looking to see what yesterdays max temp was ), and totals on bottom of DRC all corrupted as well …
I have WD Ver 130 installed on a dedicated 24/7 mini pc with win 10 -all updates… No changes made to WD since ver 130 installed, and WD NOT accessed for last 3 days
I have had similar rainfall problems to Ex Whir for a long time and mentioned this in previous posts.
Three days ago I returned from a 3 week holiday and my weather station computer had stopped while away. I restarted the computer and found no rainfall reading for September. I tried to add the missing data in and see in Detailed Rain Data an exact copy of all of August rainfall was also in September. Even 31 September which only has 30 days and unable to change any data. You may say this occurred as the computer stopped while away. Probably not as I have had this problem before, but not the whole month.
This morning before 0700, Detailed Rain Data showed no rainfall readings for September just — (remember on 30 Sept all of August rainfall was in September). After 0800 this morning the — in every day except 30 Sept which had 01.0.
I am sure there will be a change in Detailed Rain Data after 0900 this morning.
After 0900 the Detailed Rain Data has reverted to the correct September rainfall except the 7 days when the computer stopped. I would have thought the Davis console logger would have saved that missing data.
Screen shots are attached of this mornings Detailed Rain Data changes.
AGAIN The rainfall data for the month ( so far ), has not recorded correctly and appears to be using last months data…
ALL attempts to correct this has failed either via the Detailed Rain chart EDIT function or via Action (View/ Modify) option…
See the attached screen shots of this months rainfall, The only correct value for the month is the total, which is correct in both screen shots…
It would be nice to get this problem sorted as it has been going on for a long time. and the fact that I am in Australia with a 0900 reset time SHOULD make no difference.
NO change to software or system made since last problem advise …
I to am frustrated with this ongoing rainfall problem. Why was the Australian 0900 rainfall reset time every included into the program from the start if its unable to be programmed into WD. Additional things are continually been added to WD. There must be a point when there is enough on WD. It is frustrating for us as well as Brian, but it would be great if current WD bugs are sorted out before any more is added to WD.
Once this rainfall issue is sorted out, there will be no need for me to update as I will be happy with the way WD is set up.
I Agree, the rainfall has been my biggest problem and the program is excellent for my ( and others I presume ) needs.
Main reason why I do chase this up is I am a retired BoM Weather Observer / Tech Officer and accuracy of data has always been critical.
I see you also have the error in the rainfall “Wettest Year Total” on bottom right of Detailed Rain Chart.
One thing I would like to see in rainfall ( and other data ) correction places, is an indication that data has been loaded / correction made / data saved. At he moment if you do any of these things, there is no indication that it has actually occurred.
This morning I tried to correct my rainfall data in WD again without success, so I have attached 2 screen shots in this post and second two in following, as they will not fit in one post.
Image 1 is shot of DRC and rain for last 7 days.
To correct I went to ‘Action’, ‘View and Modify rainfall Log file/ Rainfall totals’. This is shown in image 2 – also as can be seen after loading month file (as in “Step 1” instruction, that there is NO data for day/month/year displaying in data screen of monthly data, and rainfall in "Daily Rainfall is missing except for the 1st (correct) of 2.8 mm.
I then corrected the daily amounts, by entering them in each days and clicking on the “Use correct amount” button", before going on to the next.
This is shown in image 3 in following post.
After closing windows, I re opened the correction window and NO corrections were made to rainfall data as can be seen in image 4 next post.
I redid the whole exercise and before closing the correction window, clicked on the button "Save the Change " at the top right of screen to see if it made any difference.
Again there was NO correction made to the Daily rainfall data, as screen was same as image 4.
This is part two of my previous post re failure of correction of rainfall data.
Images 3 and 4 attached as referenced in previous post.
I have given up attempting to correct rainfall via the “Detailed Rain Chart” window, as I have no idea where it gets it data from or saves it, as it often uses data from previous month in current months days ( as can be seen in previous posts)
Attached is todays Detailed Rain Chart
As can be seen first two days are missing and all other has gone to “0.0” with the exception of todays value of 8.2 mm…
Can you explain why this is happening, as I have not made any changes or looked at WD for last two days as no rainfall since the 8th (2.6mm)??