Hello, it is not possible to bring data to PWSdashbord via ecowitt. When I log in to my server nothing is posted there either. I’m currently using meteobridge but it doesn’t work very well there with the extra sensors and the lightning. What am I doing wrong. See screenshot.
Your path should then be entered without httpsdocs and with the correct folder name of the URL.
watch out for spaces before or after the text you type
the ecowitt device can not sent info to a https website
→ You have to adept the .htaccess in the root folder to allow http traffic for your pwsWD/ecowitt folder, read how here
Probably yes, it is always difficult to find the root of your website between different webservers.
But if there is a httpdocs, it is often the one to use.
The first two lines can be replaced by the ones in my post.
Currently all http → https
Ours wil do http (all but not ecowitt/" → https
Result is the same.
But i do not know what the blank line contains, neither where the config.json is used.
Contact your provider as I have no access and it seems the displayed text in your post is not what is in the file.
Show them what you want to add, it is a bypass for all trafic to the pwsWD/ecowitt/index.php script.
I’ve already tried modifying the .htaccess while waiting for an answer. Not working for now.
Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/pwsWD/ecowitt/
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [R=301,L]
<Files config.json>
order allow,deny
deny from all
I tested for you also.
It does not work in your case.
Seems the conversion from http to https is done at a higher " level " than httpdocs
Or maybe it is not a standard linux apache server and it does not use .htaccess
Check your cPanel if there is a switch to “enforce HTTPS”
Those problems should be handled by support personel of your provider as they know th ins and outs of their servers.
Sadly the http bypass fails again.
Click the link from my previous post and it is re-routed to https
As the https protocol definitions forbids re-routing http post data the data is dropped by the webserver and the pwsWd/ecowitt/ scripts only get an empty access.
The website will not receive any data as long as the pwsWD/ecowitt/index.php script is not accessible via http.
Described here, a small script has to run automatically every 5 minutes to update high-lows.
It also pre-loads all outdated files so that you and your visitors do not see old outdated data.
this is the MeteoBridge version. Unfortunately, it is not possible to get the lightning values online. However, the lightning values can be found in Meteobridge. That is why I switched to Ecowitt with the necessary problems.
Any version of the PWS_Dashboard can use the ecowitt lightning and AQ sensor by using in easyweather setup the tab “Devices” and answer the questions at “Use Ecowitt extra-sensors with another weather-program”
Also weather-programs such as WD, Meteobridge, Cumulus can read the ecowitt sensors directly as an extra station of their main weather-station.
As the realtime data of those weather-programs do not support lightning, extra soil, temp AQ sensors there is a second upload possible described in 36_extra_sensors.pdf
The extra data files your weather-program has to process and upload, can be downloaded from a.o. here
Using Meteobridge to " upload extra sensors" is in your case maybe easier as you do not need the “http bypass https” access.
And you are already using your Meteobridge for other website-templates.
You changed something in line 3 or 4 in pwsWD/ecowitt/index.php and made a typo.
Parse error : syntax error, unexpected ‘=’ in /var/www/vhosts/manhaeghe.com/httpdocs/pwsWD/ecowitt/index.php on line 4
it would indeed be easiest to continue working via meteobridge. I know the extra file. The extra sensors work but only the lightning data I can’t retrieve from meteobridge see screenshots.
You have to adapt those lines as probably the lightning is not on station 0.
Your ecowitt lightning seems to be on station 2 or is it mapped?
If it is on station 2 modify the lines to the ones you see on the screenshot.
I have no idea what the lightning time is, as i do not see that one in your Meteobridge screenshot.
Maybe it is lgt2!0energy
It is indeed station 2. I had not adjusted that. The number of lightnings is now displayed + the distance but the date does not work. Could it be that it is not displayed in meteobridge. I don’t see it displayed in meteobridge either. Can this still be resolved?
Tried everything but still failed. If I read it all like this then meteobridge does not deliver lightning times. I don’t see it displayed in my meteobridge itself either. Stupid because now there is always a date of 1970