PWSdashboard and Ecowitt

In your Meteobridge you can only check what the **correct sensor-name for lightning-time ** is after a lightning occurred.
As long as there is no past-lightning, the sensor “light” only returns “no-value”
Sadly after a few days the Meteobridge drops the sensor data for lightning-time until there is a new lightning registerd by the ecowitt sensor.

Let’s be patient and wait for a thunderstorm.
Make a few screenshots and we now how to do the setup.

Or use ecowitt custom upload and use the sensor data from that upload.
That is what most users do.



Luckily we had a few thunderstorms yesterday so I was able to make an example:

In the example below, the ecowitt is the second connected weather station, so station 1 in computer terms. The lightning sensor values then start with lgt1!0
lgt = a lightning sensor
1! = from station 1
0 = is the first sensor of that type in the Meteobridge
The template file ( must then contain

# meteobridge extra tags  test lightning

Result uploaded by the Meteobridge (nano-SD) as

# meteobridge extra tags  test lightning

After each change in a template file, press the “Reload Template” button so that the Meteobridge is aware of the changes again.

Due to problems with the Meteobridge < - > Ecowitt communication, the MB loses all / some “lightning” values after x (20?) days.
This is still being discussed on the Meteobridge forum.


Top wim, here also had 1 lightning but unfortunately it was not detected. You do have a thunderstorm :slight_smile: Now the detected lightning is displayed properly. Thank you !
