This is my experience. I use Mozilla as my default browser. It will display svg.htm files.
I am using Mozilla 1.4 and I can’t get SVG to work. What I have seen on the some other boards is mozilla doesn’t support SVG. Is there something that I missed. :?
thats good mozilla is OK
people with icons not matching, is a new 9.96a OK?
This is bad. :oops:
I meant to say, "It will NOT work.
Mozilla will NOT display svg.htm files!
Please pardon my blunder. :oops:
Adobe SVG Viewer Version: 3.0
This plugin does not work with Mozilla 1.4 or Netscape 7.1. Also, the SVG plugin does not work with Mozilla 1.5 or 1.6.
I have emailed the about us using a modified image
as there is lots of asccusations on the weathermatric forum
i think i better change my name and join the witness protection program
worse comes to worse we just will have to create out own background image
It is sad that it has come down to such base and cruel comments on the other message board. Why anyone would be so mad over a free, and collective produced program is beyond me.
However, from what i know about copyright “stuff” it is just like a research paper. Because you have significantly changed it as long as you note that you got the graphic from AWS, it should be fine. But I sure since you emailed AWS they will decided once and for all.
see 1.2.3, 1.2.7 Since it is free, and you are not hosting it, I would say that would qualify under the private use. Now if someone was using the WD software with the SVG to make money it would be. I am sure someone with more understanding of copyright stuff would know more.
1.2.7 You may not compile and/or re-distribute the digital images, videos, graphic elements, or weather data, historical or current, for any purpose other than private.
Now it matters on what is your definition of ‘private’ is. I would consider free web pages viewed by a few people, private. But that is just me.
From what is read, that “policy” page applies to software and website. An image very similar is what appears when you use the aws website for a particular site in real time, in java not svg. It is not on weatherbug.
ok, so, we just need to come up with own background image and we will be OK, yes?
(on my slow internet conneciton, that page has not completed showing up yet)
I think so, after all the crap you and Greg have been getting. I am thinking since AWS still use something similar on their site they will not be to likely to give the green light.
I guess life can’t be easy…
I would like to congratulated and thank you both on making a GREAT feature anyways.
is a good starting point
the sky is a photo I took with my camera, the gauges are from the weather display (i altered the program to not show pointers, etc)
the rage to 100 means wind in kmh can be used as well
I have not put a temperature gauge on there, as the problem is the scale: if you use faren., its too large for oC
instead just the large font current temperature number will be OK, and max/min
all the other info can be added, straight over the background image
i.e barometer: 1023.5 , etc