New:Real time Viewer!...and its free :), and for dial up too

ok, i have it all changed to this background

see mine:

and you can download these changes in the new now from

please do so, to avoid copyright

the wind direction needs fixing, and a pointer needs adding for windspeed , gust speed too
, and a scale for the temperature gauge (will depen on units selected)

not bad for an hours work

i better do some farm work before the wife gets home from playcenter!

I couldn’t to get it to work on Tripod, i think because if you try to view images alone, it blocks you.

Anyone know what this error means? I re-downloaded the svgextra, and re-edited the htm files. Any ideas?

The new background image is nice Brian.


i can view it from here

i am just fixing the wind direction now, going through each direction, adding each in turn

and i should be able to add the in between ones too

You don’t get
Permision denied: Line 28, column 3


have you set the url correct?
to the clientraw.txt
is it from your own server?
that might be the problem
no, i didnt get the errror

It is my own server, that is odd…
But if you can view it, then it is on my end, so only my problem.


there are others who got around this problem
i have the wind direction working, and have added the words, e.g WSW, for direction too
that new is ready

Hi Brian ,
To tell you the truth , the new image is alot better than what you were using , heaps bigger and nicer to look at .
I didn’t really like the other one, whatever made Greg copy that old image . (just kidding Greg)

Sometimes you find that it’s better to create from scratch.
Make sure you add the copyright thingy ( someone might copy it ) :lol:

shouldn’t you be fixing the fence, digging the garden , milking the cows, getting a wireless broadband connection (oopps, your still on the wrong side of the hill ) :wink:


i recommend people use the latest svg version ready now
for starters it has all 16 pointers now for the wind direciton, and the words (i.e NNW) for all 16 directions, and I have for the average dial , a new pionter. Currently is works up to 25 knots

dont forget to change the url and header etc, and add back any html code yo have added to the svg.htm
off to do some farm work now, but I will get the pointer working for the gust gauge soon

i recommend people use the latest svg version ready now.....
Brian has the svg viewer looking good.

I think I have my Near Real time Viewer working. Currently up dating to alternate Web Page every minute via third party FTP program (WS_FTP Pro).
It is currently quiet here.

Now I will find out if my ISP will lock out my Web Page because I am transferring to much data. It has happened in the past.

the clientraw.txt file is only a small file size wise
you could use the customise internet and file creation, and set to uload the clientraw.txt file every minute instead of using ws_ftp

the clientraw.txt file is only a small file size wise you could use the customise internet and file creation, and set to uload the clientraw.txt file every minute instead of using ws_ftp
I tried to do that. WD kept FTPing the clientraw.txt file to my primary ISP web page (FTP server 1). I have setup three FTP servers (ISP's) in the customize internet and file creation page. On the clientraw.txt line I selected FTP server 3. However WD uploaded the clientraw.txt file to FTP server 1. I also turned the Override switch on, and ticked

its not hooked up yet, LOL
but you can use the general ftp…

I’ve got the new viewer working, but everybodies pointer on the wind gust dial is missing?

still working on that (i did mention that)
its take alot of time, as I have to test eadch pointers position and adjust the x and y position
but getting there

right oh, i have added the gust pointer working now
I am still to get the wind average to 50 knots (currently goes to 40), but the gust to 50 knots now.
in a new, ready now

right oh, i have added the gust pointer working now I am still to get the wind average to 50 knots (currently goes to 40), but the gust to 50 knots now. in a new, ready now
Brian is wonderful. The Real Time Viewer is looking good. :D

View Near Real time weather data from Butterfly Crossing
Will only run with Internet Explorer 5.0 or better

thanks :slight_smile:
next, I will put a label over the wind graph, and a scale, and a scale for the temperature
and i need to fix the dials if you are using mph, as they are showing knots instead by default
and i will put in a scale around the dials, so that if the speed is less than 25 knots, then full scale goes to 50 knots (and so i simply douuble the actual windspeed value)

nearly finished it!

tomorrow i just need to (will take a bit of doing), have it so that wind gauge scales auto adjust (i.e 0 to 50 or 0 to 100 if winds stronger than 25 knots)

done, i wont do anymore, otherwise the file gets bigger and bigger and takes longer to load/start showing data on slow internet connections

looks good


mine is at:

a little bit windy here, been up to 39 knots at times…
a cold front is expected here in the next 3 hours…