Moviemaker error (2)

goodday all,

Since a long time no probs here :slight_smile: but since this morning I have no more alldayvideo :?

Moviemakers starts oke but quit with:
Load library C:\DiskD\Wdisplay\avcodec-54.dll error: Can not find the specified procedure
timeout count 1
timeout count 2
timeout count 3
timeout count 4
timeout count 5

What procedure does it mis and which file is using for that (if so) ?
C:\DiskD\Wdisplay\avcodec-54.dll is present and 12.736 kB from 6/6/2013

Thanks so far !

Text moviemaker:
Direction = C:\DiskD\Wdisplay\alldayvideo
Movie Maker II vers 6.6 13:32:30
Will create last day video
Using new setup routine
Will create last day video
looking for files between hours 7 and 22 and minutes 0 and 59
Looking for file C:\DiskD\Wdisplay\webcam\0700jpgwebcam.jpg
C:\DiskD\Wdisplay\webcam\0700jpgwebcam.jpg File date =07/19/13 now date 07/20/13
Looking for file C:\DiskD\Wdisplay\webcam\0701jpgwebcam.jpg
Looking for file C:\DiskD\Wdisplay\webcam\0702jpgwebcam.jpg
Looking for file C:\DiskD\Wdisplay\webcam\0703jpgwebcam.jpg

etc etc

Looking for file C:\DiskD\Wdisplay\webcam\2246jpgwebcam.jpg
Looking for file C:\DiskD\Wdisplay\webcam\2247jpgwebcam.jpg
Looking for file C:\DiskD\Wdisplay\webcam\2248jpgwebcam.jpg
C:\DiskD\Wdisplay\webcam\2248jpgwebcam.jpg File date =07/19/13 now date 07/20/13
Looking for file C:\DiskD\Wdisplay\webcam\2249jpgwebcam.jpg
C:\DiskD\Wdisplay\webcam\2249jpgwebcam.jpg File date =07/19/13 now date 07/20/13
Looking for file C:\DiskD\Wdisplay\webcam\2250jpgwebcam.jpg
C:\DiskD\Wdisplay\webcam\2250jpgwebcam.jpg File date =07/19/13 now date 07/20/13
Looking for file C:\DiskD\Wdisplay\webcam\2251jpgwebcam.jpg
Looking for file C:\DiskD\Wdisplay\webcam\2252jpgwebcam.jpg
Looking for file C:\DiskD\Wdisplay\webcam\2253jpgwebcam.jpg
C:\DiskD\Wdisplay\webcam\2253jpgwebcam.jpg File date =07/19/13 now date 07/20/13
Looking for file C:\DiskD\Wdisplay\webcam\2254jpgwebcam.jpg
C:\DiskD\Wdisplay\webcam\2254jpgwebcam.jpg File date =07/19/13 now date 07/20/13
Looking for file C:\DiskD\Wdisplay\webcam\2255jpgwebcam.jpg
C:\DiskD\Wdisplay\webcam\2255jpgwebcam.jpg File date =07/19/13 now date 07/20/13
Looking for file C:\DiskD\Wdisplay\webcam\2256jpgwebcam.jpg
Looking for file C:\DiskD\Wdisplay\webcam\2257jpgwebcam.jpg
Looking for file C:\DiskD\Wdisplay\webcam\2258jpgwebcam.jpg
C:\DiskD\Wdisplay\webcam\2258jpgwebcam.jpg File date =07/19/13 now date 07/20/13
Looking for file C:\DiskD\Wdisplay\webcam\2259jpgwebcam.jpg
C:\DiskD\Wdisplay\webcam\2259jpgwebcam.jpg File date =07/19/13 now date 07/20/13
output directory for videos is C:\DiskD\Wdisplay\alldayvideo
Load library C:\DiskD\Wdisplay\avcodec-54.dll error: Can not find the specified procedure
timeout count 1
timeout count 2
timeout count 3
timeout count 4
timeout count 5

you could try a full install of WD update

:oops: sorry little late no email notice of reply (and bussy with my error :wink: )

I didupdate latest vers B69, same rror
Back to moviemaker april 2013 works oke

but now I have an memory error ONLY AT NIGHT (from 0.00 till 6.00)
Wdwebcamcapture stops making jpg files til 0600 see att 1

movie maker doesn’t stop between 0.00 - 6.00 h results in att 2 and 3
(translation: the instruction refers to memory read operation failed)

I disabled wdwebcamcapture ‘reset daily’ setting waiting now

No errors futher more in log files
no viruses / trojans

how to stop moviemaker at night ? or
how to keep wdwebcamcapture live at night ?

btw: what ever I do it has no effect (setting start/end time moviemaker)
any cache active (cleared memory in help/free memory now but auto at night always is it ?)

thanks for attention

ps:no yesterday/videolastyear.wmv

Or in other words:

How can I stop Moviemaker trying to make movies at night ? 22.00h - 05.00 h

you need to be using the new all day video setup…
you are not because you have not ticked that setting (top right hand corner)

Thanks for reply

This are my settings for the last half year (about I think), did not change anything in the meanwhile.

This (screenshot) setting I used for 5 minutes to see what the effects should be on MM.

So still; each night 6 error from 00.00 till 05.00 Wdwebcam starts
Moviemaker goes on the whole night (thats the error because no files ?)

On the internet it’s al about memory, worms, trojans etc but the machine is clean

you should be using the new all day video setup
that is now the recommended way
the older way is not supported now

Wd 37Rb70 now

with moviemaker last version can’t find procedure

Looking for file C:\DiskD\Wdisplay\webcam\2457jpgwebcam.jpg
Looking for file C:\DiskD\Wdisplay\webcam\2458jpgwebcam.jpg
Looking for file C:\DiskD\Wdisplay\webcam\2459jpgwebcam.jpg
output directory for videos is C:\DiskD\Wdisplay\alldayvideo
Load library C:\DiskD\Wdisplay\avcodec-54.dll error: Kan opgegeven procedure niet vinden
timeout count 1

FrameInput [Canvas] read frame #562
#1844.3: [frameinput @ 00C9DEC0]Failed to read frame (Canvas) or read interrupt
#1844.6: video:1629kB audio:0kB global headers:0kB muxing overhead 1,50%

this is moviemaker 5.5 oke, but I now moviemaker will give mentioned errors from midnight till 05.00 h

thank you so far
FrameInput read close

make sure to be using the full install of WD to get the udated dll file needed
(as well as the latest moviemaker.exe)

Wd 37Rb70: I did the full install, yes

Maybe important: I still use Win2000 dedicated for my WD
it always runs as a charme
Could it be the avcodec-54.dll and avcodec-52.dll only run from WinXP ?

does that dll file exist ?
and what does
error: Kan opgegeven procedure niet vinden

translate too?

does that dll file exist ?

yes both avcodec-54.dll and avcodec-52.dll exist

and what does error: Kan opgegeven procedure niet vinden translate too?

sorry it means Can not find the specified procedure

Also in Time Stamped Files Setup checked : Create the file at night time too now (did not know unchecked it !)

Now moviemaker II 5.5 creates the movie anyway by day
(but still those errors at night) as mentioned before
see att 1 and 2
(translation: the instruction refers to memory read operation failed)

Now moviemaker II 5.5 creates the movie anyway by day
but version 7.1 is the latest version make sure you are using the latest version contained in the full install

Vers 7.1 gives that error:

Looking for file C:\DiskD\Wdisplay\webcam\2456jpgwebcam.jpg Looking for file C:\DiskD\Wdisplay\webcam\2457jpgwebcam.jpg Looking for file C:\DiskD\Wdisplay\webcam\2458jpgwebcam.jpg Looking for file C:\DiskD\Wdisplay\webcam\2459jpgwebcam.jpg output directory for videos is C:\DiskD\Wdisplay\alldayvideo\ Load library C:\DiskD\Wdisplay\avcodec-54.dll error: Can not find the specified procedure timeout count 1 timeout count 2

and see also att1

for me MM 5.5 is the latest working vers in Win 2000 makes movies at day no probs
(still have errors at night : wdwebcam stops making pictures; all pictures from 22.00 h till 05.00 h are the same one as 22.00 h
see att2

it stops at 22.00 h (set start at 01.00 and stop at 24.00 let me override the times)
see att3

so what’s the point:
stop moviemaker trying making movies at night
let wdwebcam go on making pictures at night

thanks so far Brian

did you say you are using windows 2000?

yes dedicated for WD

Set create the files at nighttime too but it stops at 22.00 see att1 and att2

Changes makes no diference what WD is doing :o #-o
Is there any cach memory or ini file what I can edit ?

the problems all stem from the fact you are not using the latest version of moviemaker (which looks like the updated dll files do not work with windows 2000) and you are not using the new all day video setup

I dont think there are many people using windows 2000 any more

so my only suggestion is to stick with a version of WD that works for you OK

that’s the error yes

not using the new all day video setup

as you can see in my att I do use the new all day video stup

I dont think there are many people using windows 2000 any more

so my only suggestion is to stick with a version of WD that works for you OK

A pitty, thought here on the forum still people do but I will go back to an older version of WD.

In the mean while I have to migrate to Ubuntu I think.

Thanks for attention anyway, Brian

Hi, just down loaded the full version of b70, & checked movie maker version number & it says, 18.2.13, not 7.1 is that right?.

many thanks.
