Meteotemplate - new free website template


Nice work :lol: Jachym

I have follow the installation blog but cant get the live gauges to work with WD.
The site shows up but no gauges :frowning:

Any help is apreasiated.

sure, I can help you with that :wink:

[quote author=Bj

Setting the path to client is correct, hav checked the adress in browser Jachym.

see photo.


Are you using the updated script I uploaded yesterday? There was a bug so if you downloaded the file in the first hour after release it would not work.

Make sure you have the latest version, this is really weird, because only humidity is shown and surprisingly it does not correspond to the one in clientraw!

Your humidity currently in clientraw is 91%, the update script reports 90… I suspect you are using the buggy version, try redownloading the file and just replace the update.php with the most recent version.

Thanks jachym, will try tomorrow and let you now.


New plugins are now available. These plugins do the exact same thing as the WD Live Gauges introduced previously. For Cumulus, it is just as simple to set up as for WD, just instead of the clientraw.txt you specify path to your realtime.txt, Meteobridge is slightly more tricky.

Install instructions are provided in the corresponding blog post.

DEMO: - please note: the demo uses dummy random data and the WD gauges, but it is exactly the same for the other SW. To see all versions simply view the demo and then replace index.php by index2.php, … , index5.php


Got mine working at first attempt :wink:

thanks :smiley:

Great! And actually Im glad that someone without solar sensor has also confirmed it is working, the solar and UV gauges are hidden in your case. :slight_smile:

wish i had them :frowning: hehehe

Well you are not alone :smiley:

Btw… I really had to laugh when I looked at your signature, because I thought about that nice line which most people (including you) also have at the bottom of their site and I followed the logic…

Have a look :smiley: :smiley:

“Weather is like women…”
“Never base important decisions on any weather information”

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

are you able to add option to have the windspeed gauges round instead?

Sure, I would simply copy the code for the humidity/pressure/solar gauge and use it for wind/gust


have tried your template on my other synology unit and is a lot faster but the livegauges are not showing direct link but the temperature is so is picking up the clientraw ok
can you see if you can access it the (gauges link is on the “other” menu on main menu)
this unit normally shuts down for most of the day but have disabled it


No data is read from clientraw, all the values are null (the fact that you see some T is because of the unit conversions). There is something wrong with the path.

Also the page took about 20-25s to load.

Hi Jachym,
I have the WD Live Gauges working…

Temp, wind, gust, bearing, and solar are updating automatically, but it appears that the cloud height and the UV are not.

Also would it be possible to add the time of last update, in the area below the UV. Would be nice to see something change each time the clientraw file is read. The data could be provided by clientraw[32].


I have ended up pointing the settings file at my clientraw on my main site to get this to work



The UV, cloudbase height and daily/monthly/annual rain are loaded when the gauges are first loaded and then are not further updated. I thought these dont change very often so I just wanted to save resources, but of course it would be possible to add this as well.

Adding time is a nice idea for future updates :slight_smile: