Meteotemplate - new free website template

the rain block version 3 is doing strange things in in IE 11.
I have it at the bottom of the left hand column and when it loads it expands the column to about half the screen even though the page is set as 25,50,25.
it works ok in chrome and edge, I looked at the rainBlock.php and tried removing the “%” from lines 198,202 and 206 and that appears to work for where I have it and still works ok in edge and chrome.


Hi Harold,
that is possible, and I mentioned this in the wiki. Support for IE is limited - i.e. if it works, great, if not, I dont even know… it is IMHO by far the worst browser, which is a nightmare for all developers. And to make things worse, it is also unlike all the other browser impossible to install on alternative OS, so I have no way of even testing it. And with Edge it is actually even worse - only Win 10. Fortunately looking at the stats for, it is only used by 4% of visitors…

New plugin - Indoor Data

Hi guys,

for quite some time I have been working on this new plugin, which is probably the most extensive so far released plugin. As you have probably guessed from its name, this plugin creates a whole new section on your website with indoor conditions. Unlike the indoor block, this plugin logs the data to a database table, just like your normal weather data and you can therefore display all the tables, graphs, statistics etc.

The table will use the same MySQL database as your alldata table, but it will not be saved in the actual alldata table. This is because not everyone will use this and it would also slow it down, therefore there will be a separate table called “indoor”, which is created automatically and logs the data from your indoor sensors. The data saved in this table are:

  • data/time
  • indoor temperature
  • indoor humidity

There is a setting whether you want this to be visible publicly to anyone or only to you as an admin and this can be changed any time.

Data update will use the same 5-minute interval as your normal weather data. It will use the version 9 auto CRON feature. What this means is that if you have already set up the CRON job for the /load/cron.php, you just have to make sure the interval is at 5 minutes at least. But you do not have to set up any other new CRON job for it.
Another great thing is that I have prepared a very flexible import script, which will allow you to import history indoor data from a CSV or a text file. This is something I would like to implement to the core template as well - it has been quite a while since I developed the original CSV import script and so this new one for the indoor data is much better in that it allows you to set the structure of your file rather than having one single accepted format which you had to create for the normal template.
In addition, I have also added a function to import data from Weather Display indoor logs, in which case you basically don

Hi guys,

several minor plugin updates:

Bio Indexes 3.1
Now fully localized to German, thanks Stefan!

Forecast Comparison 2.0

  • forecastIO replaced with
  • localized to Italian
    see the blog for update instructions

Scales 2.1

  • fully localized to Italian - thanks Francesco

Fire Danger Index 3.0
Localized to Italian + added CBI calculation, thanks Francesco :slight_smile:


New Block - Forecast - France

Hi guys,
I created a new block for French users. This block shows you 14-day forecast for any location in France using data from MeteoFrance. No API key required.



Hi guys,
when I developed the Blocks section at there were exactly 7 blocks… back then the page looked perfectly fine, but now when there is over 100 of them, it has become difficult to find things and also the naming was not ideal, so I decided to redesign the whole page.

Now the blocks are more condensed and opening in dialog windows (like the plugins) and I also re-ordered them so that country-specific blocks are grouped together.
Previously the grouping was purely alphabetical, i.e. Radar Sweden, Radar U.S. etc. And then Forecast France, Forecast Canada etc.

Now the grouping is like this:
Norway - Radar, Norway - Forecast etc.

Hope it makes it a bit easier to find the blocks you want and makes the page more efficient.

New Block - YouTube

Hi guys,

one of you asked me if I could do a YouTube block for his YouTube channel. I realized many of you might have a YouTube account where you upload for example videos from your webcams.


  • choose any YouTube channel and playlist and put it on your page
  • automatically adds the channel icon
  • play videos directly from the page in a modal window
  • select the number of videos displayed by default (user can click “more” to load more videos)
  • select the number of columns in which you want the video thumbnails to appear
  • fully localized



Hi guys,

a few updates:

Blocks update - Clock 2.1 and Digital Clock 1.1

  • bug fixes, hopefully the time shows correctly no matter which timezone you view the page from

Indoor Data 2.0

  • added support for WView
  • added support for importing data from files with date and time in separate fields
  • bug fixes

See the blog for more info about updating the indoor plugin


Plugin Update - Climate U.S. 3.0

Hi guys,

I updated the Climate U.S. plugin.

The updated version includes climatology rankings. This allows you to compare data since 1890 with long-term averages, grouped by period (month, 2 months,… 5 years) and regions (states, regions, belts, U.S.).



Hi guys,
several updates:

Block Update - Forecast France 2.0

  • added responsiveness

Plugin Update - WeatherCat 2.1

  • added some new variables to make compatible with Live Gauges

New Plugin - Live Gauges WC
The Live Gauges plugin version for WeatherCat software.

Enjoy :slight_smile:

Oh an btw… I couldnt fall asleep yesterday, dunno why, but I was just laying in bed staring at the ceiling… and I was thinking and as it happens with me, night-time is when my brain works the best so I came up with several things I could add to the template and how to solve some problems, hopefully you will see some of it in version 10 (which is not going to be released any time soon, but eventually will be, the name for it is also already chosen LOL).

OK, two more:

Block Update - YouTube 2.0
Based on your feedback I updated the YouTube block. It is now more customizable:

  • possibility to choose the default opened tab (Uploads, Featured or Playlists)
  • possibility to hide the top header with channel name, icon and subscribe button

Block Update - Indoor 3.0

  • added support for WView

Please note - these updates are mostly based on your feedback, as you know I always try my best to adapt the template to your needs. Obviously you do not need to update all the blocks or plugins, for example there is no point in updating the Indoor block now because it only adds support for WView and if you are already using it, then obviously you are using a different SW for it.

I welcome all suggestions and ideas, as well as bug reports, the only limitation for me really is time :smiley: I wish I could do this as a full-time, or at least a part-time job, but… :wink: For now it is just a hobby.

As always…

Enjoy :slight_smile:

Plugin Update - Snow 4.0
Hi guys,

I updated the Snow plugin. For the majority of Meteotemplate users the winter is about to start, so I thought it would be nice to make your life easier again and also add some new features.

The updated version now groups the monthly reports by years, this means you will see them nicely grouped by years instead of just one long line of reports.
In addition I added a few missing translations in the plugin.


Another new thing is that the new menu.php now has the option to directly enter snow information. Just like the other admin actions, if you are logged in as an admin, you will see a new tab in the menu

Plugin Update - Night Sky 2.0

Hi guys,
the updated version now also includes a new page with sky viewing forecast.



Hi guys,

hope you are all doing fine. I have just released a new newsletter issue where you can find all things that are new since last newsletter was published.

I only send emails about newsletters, which include summary of what was new, this is because if I send emails about everything, you would very quickly be annoyed by the frequent emails and I definitely do not want to spam you.
If you really want to get all the updates immediately, then you can use the blog RSS channel at:

New newsletter:


Hi guys,

this is just to remind everyone (not just Meteotemplate users) using Google Maps that unless you have included the Api key in your scripts, your maps will STOP WORKING tomorrow, the 12th October.

Google has introduced this in June and existing users had time until tomorrow to update their scripts. So unless you did so your maps will not work from tomorrow until you create the key and include it in the script. It is actually quite easy and free, if you need help, then I made a PDF guide which you can just follow to get your key.


Im actually quite curious about some sites because I checked several quite popular and major websites and I see many still having the missing API key error in the console, so their maps wont be loading from tomorrow…

More info:

Google Maps APIs Standard Plan updates implemented on June 22, 2016, are as follows:

We no longer support keyless access (any request that doesn’t include an API key). Future product updates are only available for requests made with an API key.
We have implemented a simple 25,000 map loads per day free limit for new Google Maps JavaScript API, Static Maps API, and Street View Image API implementations. The rolling 90-day grace period for existing applications is being retired on October 12, 2016.
We have reduced the maximum daily map load limit you can purchase for Google Maps JavaScript API, Static Maps API, and Street View Image API from 1,000,000 to 100,000 requests. Developers requiring higher quota should contact Sales to discuss a Premium Plan license.
We now count Google Maps JavaScript API client-side service requests towards the daily limit of the associated web service API.

New Block - ?

Hi guys,

I would like to present to you a new block - I am sure all of you will agree with me, that once you install this and use it, you will always consider it to be the most accurate forecast! You don

Hi guys,

I discovered a problem with the block versioning and I would ask you to please install this bug fixes package 9.3, which will also help me because it will substantially decrease the load on my server while loading block versions etc. But there is also another fix in the block versioning so it is not only important for my site.

The download package can be found as always on the downloads page → section Bug Fixes

Follow the instructions in the Readme file.


Today is the last day when Google Maps will work without providing an API key. If you have not yet created an api key, your maps will stop working as of tomorrow, there is a detailed guide in the wiki how to create the key, it is free.


Hi J

Hi Georg,
simply upload whatever icon you want into the forecast block icons directory and it will automatically appear on the page where you can add them. They are not hard-coded, the script simply scans the icons directory and shows whatever is in there.

Plugin Update - Distributions 1.1

Hi guys, I noticed this plugin that I created over a year ago was still only in English. The updated version is now fully translatable.

As I mentioned earlier, I am now preparing for the exam which I have on Friday and meanwhile intensively working on version 10, you really have something to look for, it will be by far the biggest update of Meteotemplate yet, maybe also one of the easiest one to perform, but it will still take me some time to put it all together. I am also looking back at the questionnaire some of you filled in in the past, particularly at your answers to the question “what are you missing in the template” :slight_smile: