Lost 6 hours of data today

I am gutted, about 11am WD crashed and i didnt get home till about 5pm so 6 hours gone up the swanny.
There is a crash program thingy with WD but it wont restart wd unless you clikc the ok button that vista
has popped up, as soon as thats clicked WD starts straight away…

so my question is, is there a way to circumvent the vista/os popup?


Do you have WDisplay.exe set to run as Admin? also the auto restart .exe may need to be set the same?


I have them both set to run in Compatability mode XP SP2
Thats not the same thing is it?

My pc account is an administrator
Will i still need to login as the main administrator and set it to run as admin there?

I wish I knew I was just checking as that could have been the issue. I don’t run the auto restart and I also have no experience with the XP compatibility deal as i have managed to get everything I want to run under Vista proper…


Its prob cause i have that many programs installed, theres prob a conflict somewhere.
I need all my programs as well…

I will login as the main admin and set it in there, cant hurt to try :slight_smile:

Thanks Bob

What exactly pops up that you have to grant permission before it will restart?


It wasnt such much as granting permission, it was just the ordinary vista pop just to
let you know a program had crashed, once i click ok WD just restarted as it should do

Ohhh the stoopid Windows Report a Crashed program thingy…

I don’t know how to stop those, wish I did…


also for vista make sure wd is installed in c:\wdisplay


I found the following… haven’t checked to see if it really works…

* Open System in the Control Panel (or right-click on the My Computer icon and select Properties. * Choose the Advanced tab, and click Error Reporting. * You can disable error reporting entirely here, or enable it selectively for certain programs. Click Ok when you're done.


Well the above works for XP but I haven’t found error reporting for Vista yet, still hunting…


And now I found this…

to disable error reporting in Windows Vista:
* Open the Control Panel
* Open the Problem Reports & Solutions applet
* Under the Advanced option you can disable problem reporting</blockquote>


Ok not so simple on my Vista Home Premium but still possible…

Control Panel - System & Maintenance - Problem Reports and Solutions - Change Settings - Advanced Settings

and then you can modify :slight_smile:


yep thats the thingy lol

Yep, thats where its installed Brian

This looks like the ticket, thanks for the starter Bob

Stop reporting problems for a program

If you don’t want to send information about problems with a specific program to Microsoft, you can stop Windows from reporting problems for that program.

Click to open Problem Reports and Solutions.

In the left pane, click Change settings.

Click Advanced Settings.

In the Block list, under Don’t send information about the following programs, click Add, and then find and select the programs for which you want to stop reporting problems.

Click OK. If you are prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation.

If you choose to stop reporting problems for a program, Windows will not notify you about solutions, even if they are available.

I have now manually added all of WD’s exe’s to the block list, so if there is a
crash with the program again then it should now restart with any help on my part :slight_smile:

Thanks again, Brian and Bob :slight_smile:

Knock on wood … :wink: Glad I could help 8)


Damn…4am or there abouts it crashed and didn’t restart, another 2.5 hours lost, not as bad though…
I have added the image this time so you can see the error popup, its deffo the os reporting thingy.

I have now disabled and uninstalled the 3 programs

  • Adobe CS3 Lightroom
  • eyespyfx_webcam_2_1
  • Demo builder

All three were uninstalled on sunday, the day before it all started.
I have no also disabled all error reporting…

Would i be best off having the program start windows, I have it set just to restart WD if there
is a crash? Will see how it goes today 1st then worry when i get home!
Therefore i also wont be able to reply untill about 5:00pm :frowning:

Looks like your problem is similar to what I’ve been seeing with WD crashing under Vista.

Well my problem only sttarted early hours of monday morning, it crashed again at 11am today…

I am going to do a restore of the PC, I have backedup the WD data, what files do i need to
overwrite to keep what data it does have for the last 2 days please?


I have now restored my PC and i over wrote all WD files with the backup, i hope that was right?

System restore did not do the trick, got up this morning and it crashed at about 1:30am :frowning:
I am absolutely puzzled, I have now reinstalled WD and will see what happens later on

I have now formatted the pc, reinstalled a limited number of programs to see how it goes.
Hopefully i will be able to figure out what has started to cause WD to start crashing
when i start to reinstall the programs again, downside is its gonna take a long time
As i will need to wait at least 6 hours to see if it will crash, thats if it will do it again :frowning: