Lightning on WD main screen & GW1100 problems [Resolved]

Mental block here. . . how do I remove lightning strikes (red zero) from main screen?


BTW: the screen is for Ecowitt and I don’t get Data Quality or Data Received :confused:

Why not?

On my Ecowitt WD system my data received flashes green when crongw1000 receives data and the data quality is green also. I do have a lightning sensor so have left the red 0 which changes when my sensor recognises lightning. All of this has always worked and still does despite not using WD for my website now.


check that the lightning section of setup > advanced / misc settings > extra / misc / custom > rain/wind/baro/lightning is unchecked and delete the lightning text file from webfiles then restart WD

Thanks, Stuart. When I recently bought some Ecowitt kit I updated my second registered copy of WD from build 110 to 150, and some things don’t seem to have survived the rapid change… . . :roll_eyes:

Does crongw1000 v.7.2 give you the same error messages as I get, below?

It seems to carry on regardless. . . touch wood :wink:

No I don’t see those errors. I am still using b148 with crongw1000 at 7.1. To get data you should see the actual data in the rh pane of the window. Also the raw data should be in gw1000.txt in the main wdisplay folder.


Another thought I suppose you only have one copy of crongw1000 running?

Yes, only one. I suspect it is down to the fact that my GW1100 flashes red rapidly for a few seconds every few minutes - as if it has never been configured to the wifi router.

Yes sounds like there is an issue with the GW1100. The red light on mine flashes once about every 5-7 seconds (I think that is when WD accesses it). If there is an issue with it you might have a problem accessing it via the web interface. I have mine configured with a fixed IP address and make sure your wi-fi ssid is a 2.4ghz one that it connects to, obvious I know but important especially if both your 2.4ghz and 5ghz have the same ssid. Can be problematic if you have a mesh type system.


I think I’ll check with support. I already tried a factory reset. . .

Yes, I had real trouble configuring it because I hadn’t read all the suggestions over on WXForum :roll_eyes:

That didn’t seem to work. . . nothing is checked in setup and there are only two lightning text files in webfiles: lightninglog.txt and lightninglognexstorm.txt. If you delete those they are just re-created next day.

Maybe the counter appears as standard if the station type is Ecowitt :confused:

There is a new f/w for the GW1100 so I suggest you upload it and see if it fixes anything. Apparently there was a memory leak which is fixed, plus fixes for some crashes/bugs. You can do it either via the WSView+ app or the http interface to the GW1100.


Thanks, Stuart, but no change. Subjectively it appears to be worse :slightly_frowning_face:

BTW, I have set to auto update firmware. Is this not recommended?

There have been issues in the past and I prefer to do it manually just in case, also it means I can do it when I want and not maybe during the night when if there is an issue I’m not around to fix it. As China is about 10 hours ahead it could easily happen during the early hours.

Can you actually see the raw data in the gw1000.txt file being updated and does the crongw1000 just sit there with that error all the time? Do you allow updating to Ecowitt and if so does your data show there OK, are there any flat spots in the graphs on Ecowitt?

I have a php program which you can use to access the gateway and display the data available, I can send you that if you like to see if that works OK?


China is UTC+8 with no DST, so either 7 or 8 hours ahead of us depending on our DST. Still far enough ahead to be awake in our night but not quite as far East as you thought.

Understood :slightly_smiling_face:

Yes, I can see raw data in gw1000.txt and on crongw1000 - some of the time - and Ecowitt graphs have some flat spots. But since I’m only testing with one ouside sensor, the internal pressure/temp/hum don’t change very fast and outside temp/hum might be down to siting of sensor. Support said it’s “reporting normal” on their server, but. . . :confused:

When the gateway loses wi-fi I start getting the crongw1000 errors. “Connection reset by peer” seems to sort itself out quickly, but “Connect timed out” takes a while. . . And during this time the WebUI freezes too, which is most frustrating. LED behaviour seems to follow these steps:

Of course, if the red LED is flashing, slowly or rapidly, the device is not connected to wi-fi. Seemed to be connected more often than not yesterday, but since the update slow flashing is more common. Support tell me the behaviour is “very unusual”, but I haven’t heard back since I answered a couple of their questions.

Thanks, but, as I say, I am getting data - just not all the time. Let’s see what Support says: but I can’t live with this. If they don’t replace it I might just buy another one myself to see if that works. I’m sure it will come in handy eventually!

I’d hang on before buying another as there is a new GW1200 due soon which will handle the IOT stuff as well which the GW1100 will never support.


Yes, I saw that. Think it also has an RJ45 ethernet socket :slightly_smiling_face: (EDIT: no, that’s the GW2000.)

Meanwhile, Ecowitt support have asked me to turn off WD to see if that’s making it unstable :roll_eyes:

Your comments about 2.4/5 GHz got me to checking the BT Home Hub router - spurred on by my wife as she’d coincidentally (?) lost her 5 GHz iPad connection :wink:

Seems that I use - default - the same SSID and key for both. . . maybe I shouldn’t?

That’s a good way to do it, then devices can switch between 2.4GHz and 5GHz as signal strengths vary.

It really annoys me that suppliers of ‘cheaper’ WiFi kit that only works on 2.4GHz somehow make their software so unstable that if there’s even a hint of a 5GHz connection with the same name it doesn’t work. Then they say “Turn off your 5GHz network (so that our cheaply witten software will work)”. I wonder how many people who don’t know any better are doing that and losing the benefits of 5GHz WiFi?

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Are you listening, Ecowitt? :laughing:

Not just Ecowitt. I’ve seen a number of other 2.4GHz only devices have similar issues, including those bought by family and friends where I’m trying to provide remote support.

P.S. The GW1100 on static IP doesn’t appear in the router’s DHCP table. . .