Lightning on WD main screen & GW1100 problems [Resolved]

I must admit that it is annoying but having initially set up my gateways they reconnect OK to 2.4ghz despite my mesh system using the same ssid. It wold be good if the gateways were 2.4/5 ghz capable but my GW2000 is using the cable now.

I doubt Ecowitt will change at least in the short term as it may be storage issue as well as hardware. I would have preferred the GW2000 to be 5ghz capable if it were a simple choice for that or cable. I think they’re more concerned with sensors at present.


I’ve never had a problem with three different Ecowitt gateways on a mixed 2.4/5GHz mesh network using the same SSID. They won’t even see the 5GHz network as they don’t have the radio to do so :thinking:

@bitsostring - It depends on how you’ve set the static IP. If you’ve set it in the device then DHCP in the router doesn’t know about the device so it can’t display it.

I prefer to use static DHCP reservations. That’s where you define a device to have a fixed IP address in the DHCP table. Basically that links the device’s MAC address to the IP address so that each time the device requests an IP address it’s given the same one.

@mcrossley - I agree that devices without 5GHz radios shouldn’t be affected by a 5GHZ SSID that’s the same as a 2.4GHz one. However, I have seen a number of devices over the last few years that say they are only 2.4GHz and that you will need to disable 5GHz WiFi to make them work. I don’t understand why that would be, but I can recall at least one device (a printer I think) that refused to work until it was connected to a router that only had 2.4GHz WiFi enabled.

I’ve only had experience with one GW2000 and one GW1100 and both have happily worked on routers with both bands enabled.

I set it in the router, so I presume it’s a static DHCP reservation. After which it disappears from the router list (as did my IPcamera, discussed elsewhere). Various entries in the router log show that they are not forgotten.

However, my PurpleAir and Gaia devices were both set static in the same way, and they still appear on the list :confused:

Ah, sorry :roll_eyes: When I did that in the router, the gateway settings were still on “automatic DHCP” and it requested a new lease every 10 seconds. So I set the device to static too.

Anyhoo, Ecowitt support not much help yet but I have moved the gateway from the same room as the router (testing in my “study”) to its probable eventual location in another room about 7 m away and - subjectively - it appears to be more stable. Time will tell. . .

Gateway fell over completely during the night, I had to power cycle it to get it back up.

EDIT: It’s just fallen over again.

Rattle Ecowitts cage about this, should not happen.


They are convinced it’s a wi-fi problem - i.e. my fault. They don’t know what a BT Home Hub 5 is capable of, despite me telling them it has dual-band wi-fi:

BT Home Hub : is BT a wifi router model?  It works as a wifi access point? 

and they want me to try to connect to another network, even a phone hosting a hotspot. We don’t have smart phones, and our tablets are just wi-fi. . . Should I go and ask the neighbours for the key to their network?

I have five wi-fi devices connected already, three on 2.4 and two on 5 GHz. Four of these run 24/7, three of them within a few feet of the gateway when it fell over. One (PurpleAir) is just outside a nearby window, and reports signal strength -60 to -70 dBm: not great, but sufficient. The Gaia (outside another window in the same room) is currently showing -69 dBm.

I suppose I should be grateful they haven’t asked me to turn off the 5 GHz signal - yet.

May well be buying a GW2000 soon. I’m not interested in the IoT but it has an ethernet socket :wink:

I have that router as well, at least until tomorrow when I migrate to Vodafone! Anyway I dont use that Wi-Fi as I have a BT Whole Home mesh system which did allow me to turn off 5ghz briefly when I first got a GW1000, however with my GW1100 I didn’t need to do that but both gateways work fine now and reconnect ok if interruption happens. I have the GW1100 set as fixed ip via the web interface and I always turn off the internal access point in the gateway. As I said before my GW2000 is currently ethernet connected but did work ok on Wi-Fi.


My GW1100 is happily connected to my very weird LAN/Wifi. The SSID I use for IOT is provided by three different access points, two with 2.4GHz+low-band 5GHZ and 1 with 2.4GHz+low and high band 5GHz.

The only problem I’ve had recently was when I was moving things around the room and it ended up with a grounded metal box between it and the nearest access point. Lots of lost packets. Moved it back to where it originally was and things are back to normal. At least I think that was the problem…it could be that it got too close to another WiFi source and that was drowning out the GW1100 receiver?

I’m considering a GW2000 though for the Ethernet connectivity. I’ll need to start looking for a 16-port switch though because I’m running out of free ports.

That’s one reason I moved the gateway to another room, I thought it might be too close to the router. . . but it still fell over - twice.

Hub log from second disconnection:

12:02:57, 16 Jan.	ath00: STA c4:5b:be:xx:xx:50 IEEE 802.11: WiFi registration failed
11:59:18, 16 Jan.	(327588.150000) Device disconnected: Hostname: Ecowitt-gateway IP: MAC: c4:5b:be:xx:xx:50

Current hub log is just multiple occurrences of dissociation/association, like this:

23:34:46, 11 Jan.	ath00: STA c4:5b:be:xx:xx:50 IEEE 802.11: Client associated
23:34:46, 11 Jan.	ath00: STA c4:5b:be:xx:xx:50 IEEE 802.11: Client disassociated
23:34:31, 11 Jan.	ath00: STA c4:5b:be:xx:xx:50 IEEE 802.11: Client associated
23:34:31, 11 Jan.	ath00: STA c4:5b:be:xx:xx:50 IEEE 802.11: Client disassociated

Couple of thoughts…

  1. Is there anything else that kicks in to use WiFi at around the times the GW1100 drops the connection?
  2. Is it possible that something else has (or gets via DHCP) the same IP address as the GW1100, but isn’t on the network very often?

IPCamera, PurpleAir and Gaia all use it regularly, so it’s difficult to tell. But the gateway drops out too often. . .

I hope not . . . but what do I know :confused: I just connect things and hope they work :wink:

Just ordered a GW2000. I’ll keep going with Ecowitt support until one of us gets tired :grinning:

Very strange as I use a GW1100 and have never had any problems, it sits about a meter away from the wireless AP in the workshop (which is a ruckus AP) and it connects 24/7 365. I was thinking of getting a GW2000 as a 2nd unit to connect via Ethernet and also so that more sensors

I just wanted to say that my ISP changed at 2am last night and all three of my gateways reconnected just fine when it all came back on, no intervention from me at all and have continued to be stable. I am fairly sure your issue is the gateway but proving it is another issue.


So am I. . . but Ecowitt support have washed their hands of the problem and suggested I “return the device for a full refund”: a bit difficult if I can’t prove it’s faulty. More in hope than expectation I mentioned this in a reply to my recent GW2000 order confirmation, and the dealer has given me a pretty fair discount on that!

So three cheers for Weather Spares, say I :smile:

Next problem: I upgraded an old second copy of WD from build 110 to 150 and changed the station from Netatmo (not mine!) to Ecowitt. WD starts, crongw1000 starts, and absolutely nothing happens. . . no data quality/received LEDS, no data showing at all. After an indeterminate period I start to see data on the main screen and graphs, but still no LEDs. . .

If it helps here are 3 screenshots from my still running WD. Note the data received LED does flash but not showing here. Note this is connected to a GW1100.


Thanks, Stuart. It’s just occurred to me that I am still testing the gateway so I only have one T/H sensor connected - no rain or wind/UV/solar. Maybe WD thinks there’s something wrong. . . especially as the data flow keeps drying up as the gateway loses connection.

And another question, echoing the first post in this topic: I can’t get rid of the red zero for lightning, OK, but now I have soil temp under the windspeed dial, like you. How do I get rid of that?

If push comes to shove I know I can move it off screen, but. . .

Well I have a lightning sensor so that red 0 needs to stay. To be honest I’d forgotten all about soil, thing is I’m convinced Brian has one or two bugs in the way crongw1000 decodes the sensors. I gave up trying to tell him this ages ago. Another nail in the WD coffin.


He must have made some changes? You are running build 148/crongw1000 version 7.1 and I’m running 150/7.2. . . :confused:

The wind is what’s left from Netatmo :wink: